All posts by Tom McLaughlin

P7/S1 Comic Book Transition Project French Resources

New Digital Teaching resources for the Project:

All About Me           

All About Me Continued….

Guidelines for French Comic Book Transition Project

Extension powerpoint with sound files for this project

French Comic Strip Success criteria and learning intentions

Es&Os for French transition project

 Printable Resources

Gap fill activities

Asterix and Tintin     Lucky Luke       Lou         Marsupilami

Matching Activities

 Asterix and Tintin              Lucky Luke-Lou-Marsupilami

Guess Who Activities

 Asterix-Tintin               Lucky Luke-Lou             Marsupilami

Talking Pen Resources

Talking pen labelling sheets

Talking Pen sound files for Asterix and Tintin

Comic Strip Templates


comic speech bubbles

comic templates

character in middle



Alt codes for accents



Powerpoint Presentations:

The French tradition of comic books/first person description

Example Comic Strip and Dialogues to help children create their own

Examples of French Comic Strips


P7/S1 Comic Book Transition Project – Gaelic Resources

Beano PowerPoint
Broons PowerPoint

Guidelines for Gaelic Comic Book transition project

Gaelic Comic Strip Success criteria and learning intentions

All about me Gaelic booklet

Character sheet template

See French Resources post for comic panels templates

The Broons Character descriptions:

Athair         Mathair          Seanair        Joe          Hen           Daphne                                                        Maggie        Horace         The twins        The baby

The Beano Character descriptions:

Dennis  Menace          Gnasher         Minnie          Billy whizz            Roger               Banana man

The Broons Gap-fill Activities:

Athair        Mathair           Seanair           Hen            Daphne           Joe           Maggie                  Horace       The Twins         The baby

The Beano Gap-fill Activities:

Dennis           Gnasher              Minnie Minx              Billy whizz             Rodger                 Banana Man

The Broons Matching Activities:

 Maw,Paw, Grandpa              Hen, Magaidh, Daphne                     Horace, Twins, Baby

The Beano Matching activities:

Roger, Dennis, Gnasher                 Minnie, Billy, Banana man


Gaelic P7/S1 Comic Book

The comic, “Na Gaisgich” was written by primary seven pupils from Islay, Jura, Mull and Tiree as part of a transition project for going into secondary school. The pupils were all learning Gaelic as a second language at school and were able to create the comic as a result of funding from the Scottish Government. The book is based on folklore and fables from the islands, and all ideas were collaborated to form the final product. Social Enterprise Company, Magic Torch Comics, travelled to each of the islands involved to deliver workshops to enable the children to adapt the stories, characters, illustrations and plots into comic strips. The comic is accessible to all as it is written in Gaelic and English. Click HERE to discover the comic.

S1 French Comic Book Transition Resources

Thank you to Oban High School for sharing these excellent resources for all schools to use.
Section 1- Comment je me vois personality


Comment je me vois 1    comment je me vois 2    comment je me vois  3  

comment je me vois  4 SR        comment je me vois  4           Round the room reading for ppt4

 Word Documents:

  adjectival agreement table no feminine       adjectival agreement table      adjective table write-on sheet

Section 2- Comment je me vois- Hair and eyes: 

       Comment je me vois 1 sondage      et les autres hair and eyes SR                                                        et les autres hair and eyes                 hair vocabulary                                                                                     2 les yeux les cheveux SR     2 les yeux les cheveux                                                                      reading activity les yeux et les cheveux

Section 3-Les autres

1 les autres               Physical description               ref sheet for hair and eyes

Section 4- Les Bandes Dessinees

1 les bandes dessinees          Bandes Dessinees quiz               BD characeter adjectives

2 les bandes dessinees and more adjectives          adjective pairs    les bandes dessinees listening – write-on sheet                         les bandes dessinees listening

Section 5- Comic preparation

Sound files

Listening Activity 1-1

Listening Activity 1-2

Listening Activity 1-3

Listening Activity 1-4

Listening Activity 1-5

Listening Activity 1-6

Listening Activity 1-7

1 comic preparation      adjectives         Comic preparation 1

On recherche-  2 On recherche poster             Help phrases

2 Reading and Writing         S1 cicatrice etc and revision

Writing the Comic

comic template 1      comic template 2          comic template 3            comic template 4     comic templates     

pupil help comic page 1 (2)      pupil help comic page 2          pupil help comic page 3        pupil help comic page 4           Writing the comic (2)     


Listening 1     Listening 2            Listening 3              Listening 4            Listening 5       Listening 6


Assessment for Learning

Here we have materials to support professional development and training related to Assessment for Learning, a key aspect of effective learning and teaching. Schools can adapt these resources to suit their own context and needs.

Resources which can be used are:

  • Guidance on Assessment for Learning Version 1a
    • This guidance can be used as an aid to support embedding formative assessment in schools.  It consists of:
      • explanations and examples of various aspects of AfL, including Learning Intentions, Success Criteria, Feedback, etc.
      • checklists which can be used for learning walks and peer observations
      • a brief list of suggestions for embedding these strategies in schools.
  • self-evaluation resource for staff which could be used as part of an audit before using these training materials, created and kindly shared by Karen Wheatley at Lochgoilhead Primary School.
  • A presentation on Making Thinking Visible, a series of questioning strategies which could be used to support AfL, created and kindly shared by Ross Stewart at Hermitage Academy.


Materials being used in schools include:

The Ocean Explorer Centre – Science trips on our doorstep

The Ocean Explorer Centre has been developed by marine scientists from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) to share with visitors and schools their fascination and concerns for the sea. It showcases much of the research done at SAMS. It provides an ideal base for both indoor and outdoor education and runs several engaging and informative workshops for school groups, such as food chains, renewable energy and marine pollution. We cluster mentors have taken groups numerous times and it has always proved a huge hit with the pupils and they have aways come away with lots of knowledge, as well as having had their eyes opened to potential scientific careers too. If you haven’t yet visited, we highly recommend it.

The following link will take you to their site

Parallax home page

Their outreach officer Helen McNeill is fabulous and extremely helpful. she can be reached on the link below

Terrific Scientific

Get involved with Terrific Scientific!   

Terrific Scientific is a fantastic learning resource from the BBC which aims to involve pupils in a series of Science investigations that feed into real academic studies being carried out at universities across the UK. Aimed at 9-11 year olds, these investigations are fun, practical easily resourced and curriculum linked. They present a great opportunity for pupils to develop scientific skills and confidence in a purposeful context. The BBC uses some of the characters and presenters from well-known children’s television programme to help introduce each investigation. This really helps to motivate and engage the children from the start. The website is also packed with lots of extra resources to allow teachers to plan for additional activities and follow up work if they wish.

You can sign up to take part at any time and don’t have to take part in every investigation, just pick and choose the ones that will suit your children. Although the investigations are only ‘live’ for a limited time period you can still access all the materials and resources for previous investigations but pupils won’t be able to submit any data.

The current investigation is all about Power and pupils are challenged to find ways to save energy across the school.

Interested in taking part? Click on the link below to find out more.

Sample medium term planning based around using this resource – terrific scientific investigations planner

Forces teaching ideas

CfE Links:

SCN 0-07a – 2-07a

SCN 2-08b

Lesson ideas for teaching air resistance using eggs and bin bag parachutes:

Gravity and Air Resistance lesson plan

Click on the links for a variety of different experiment/ investigation ideas to teach floating and sinking, and forces (particularly air resistance/ friction/ thrust)



Rocket-Mice – 

Make-a-Paperclip-Float – experiment plan for floating and sinking

Sample medium term planning for this unit (early and first level but can be easily adapted for second level) – SciencePlannerForcesP1-4Aug2017


Physical and Chemical Change teaching ideas

CfE links:

  • Through exploring properties and sources of materials, I can choose appropriate materials to solve practical challenges. SCN 1-15a
  • By contributing to investigations into familiar changes in substances to produce other substances, I can describe how their characteristics have changed. SCN 2-15a
  • I have collaborated in activities which safely demonstrate simple chemical reactions using everyday chemicals. I can show an appreciation of a chemical reaction as being a change in which different materials are made. SCN 2-19a

SSERC Primary 60_1 – SSERC bulletin with loads of information/ health and safety advice for carrying out experiments in this topic

CO2_instructions – experiment ideas for reactions (making bath fizzers and lava lamps)

Dissolving (investigation plan for teaching pupils how to design fair tests) – Dissolving-Investigation-PlanDissolving-Investigation-conclusion

Recognising the differences between physical and chemical changes – Physical-or-Chemical-changes-

Inheritance teaching ideas

Inheritance is a topic that was highlighted in our survey of teachers as an area where some additional teaching ideas may be helpful. There is a concern, when discussing inheritance, that it may highlight issues in class (adoption etc) if human inheritance is discussed, particularly at primary level. In order to minimise this concern, having your class make ‘ree-bops’   (play-doh ‘animals’ who have inherited genes from their ‘parents’) is an engaging way to teach the topic. Attached are links for introducing the topic of inheritance, assessing knowledge, games and ree-bop instructions.

Reebops-Primary_46 – SSERC bulletein describing reebops in more detail (with pictures) for background information

Inheritance Lesson Ideas – some lesson ideas with CfE links

Inheritance_primary Reebop pedigree cards – cards for pupils to name their ree-bop and add genotype and phenotype data

Vocabulary_inheritance[2] – important vocabulary for children to learn in the topic

genetics_dominoes_2 – game of dominoes to reinforce concepts learned

parents and offspring – picture cards of parent animals and their offspring

Similarities and differences – worksheet to be used with parent and offspring pictures

True_F_NS_Primary – true and false statements about inheritance to assess understanding as well as prior knowledge

Class_data – worksheet to fill in for class continuous variation

Individual_data – worksheet to fill in for individual measurements (continuous variation)

Variation_discon – discrete traits tick list