Do you want to build a snowman ⛄️

This week in the studio, the children have been engaging in lots of imaginative and creative play, making lots of different suggestions for the clay table. The children were really excited to make fun festive decorations…

“I want to make a snowman”

”gingerbread man”

”I like candy canes. I have them on my tree!”


We had lots of interesting ideas when making our clay decorations…

”if you roll it into circles, that makes a snowman”

”mines is a melted snowman”

“I need to make wee buttons. And eyes”

”he’s a jolly snowman!”

“I’m going to give him buttons”

”I have enough left over to make a snowman too!”

The children engaged their fine motor skills really well, shaping and moulding the clay and doing lots of rolling, cutting and mark making.

“snowman’s eyes”

“it’s Gingerbread Fred!”

It has been lots of fun exploring imaginative play in the clay area and we can’t wait to see what other fun ideas the children come up with 💡

We have Snow !

With the frosty mornings the children have been discussing how cold it has been when they arrive at nursery . Maybe it will snow today and there was a few flakes of snow today in the garden.  So let’s make our own snow !

We had some magic powder which we poured into a bowl and then gradually added cold water and stirred well and “Wow” look what’s happening the powder got bigger and bigger and turned into snow.

Our snow feels like fluff and smells like coconut and is very squishy . It feels a bit warm but real snow is cold !

I can make handprints in the snow it’s like real snow  !

The children had great fun discussing what they could make with their snow.  “ Mine is a snowball it’s like a circle” , we had some snow volcanos, snow cakes and some snow porridge.  The children took turns using the different sized scoops to help them create their snow structures.

When it was tidy up time we decided to put our tray of snow outside in the garden to discover what happens to it overnight . “ l think it will be snowy ice crystals” or  maybe turn into a snowman”. . Can’t wait for tomorrow!!

Ice ice baby! ❄️

We noticed on the weather forecast that it was to be extremely cold today.. so we decided to try a science experiment!

Last night, we covered our sea animals with water and left them overnight to see what would happen…

it turned to ICE!!!

The children discussed how the water felt to touch…

” it is so cold I need to wear my gloves”

”if we scrape it, it makes little marks on the ice”

Through exploring cause and effect, the children wondered how we could break the ice?
“we could hit it and it will break maybe”, “we could maybe scrape the ice like daddy does on the car” , “what about a hammer”.

so first we tried with little wooden hammers to break the ice, the children discovered that it chipped the ice a little bit but not enough to break the ice.

So then we borrowed one of the hammers from our tinker table…

“Look Sarah Jane it’s working now!”

”We can free the animals from the ice”!


My Christmas Tree 🎄

Today the children were talking about the Christmas trees throughout the nursery. We talked about the different sizes of trees and decorations.

“I have one in my house

“Granny has one”

“Mine is so big”

“ we have lights that change colours”

“I helped to put the baubles on”

During our discussion we decided we would like to make our own Christmas trees, so we  looked a few ideas up on  the Promethean   board.

We talked about what we could  use  to decorate our trees and went on the hunt to find a variety of materials e.g. buttons, sequence, wool, thread and pipe cleaners.

The children began by painting their trees using their fine motor skills and talking about decorations they were going to put on theirs.

”it will be so colourful”

”I put a star on mine”

” mine will look pretty in my bedroom”

They then waited patiently for their trees to dry and finally it was time  to decorate their trees. The were all picked the different materials.

Here is a selection of the children’s fabulous works of art!

Winter Crafts

It was lovely to have our families visit the centre to take part in our family winter craft sessions.

The children really enjoyed taking part in the winter themed activities alongside the special people in their lives. There were lots of different crafts to make, each with a different theme. We won’t tell you what they all are as we would love you to come and see for yourself!

Remember that the crafts are running all week and we have 3 sessions a day. So, please sign up via the sheets in reception and come in out of the cold and join us for a coffee and some wintery fun with your wee one!

It’s beginning to look like Christmas

This week in Cart Mill family centre the children are beginning to get excited about Christmas after helping and taking turns to decorate our home room Christmas tree. We enjoyed talking about all the different types of decorations and decide to try to make our own.

Over at the the tinker table the children began to glue, hammer, measure and saw, helping to develop lots of different skills, such as hand eye coordination, manipulative skills and muscle strength all helping with writing skills.

The children needed lots of concentration while creating various Christmas decorations.

“I want to make a reindeer “

“can I make a Christmas tree?”

We’ve had such fun using all our skills independently creating our decorations.

We are all unique

Today, the children showed a great interest in various stories in the noisy/quiet room.

The stories were about different families and how our families are all unique.

We read some of the stories and then discussed our own families. The children were keen to share what they knew about their own families.

“My family is mummy and daddy and me”

“I have my baby and mummy”

”granny and grandpa and mummy and me and dad”

We used the small world characters to recreate our own families.

We will be looking at all kinds of families in the next couple of weeks and using the small world area to learn about equality and diversity.

Scottish Inventors

To celebrate St Andrews Day we are learning about Scottish inventors in the discovery room this week. We started by asking “What is an inventor?”

  • ”It’s someone who builds lots of stuff.”
  • “They make robots.”
  • “An inventor makes stuff.”

Then we learned about Henry Faulds who invented finger printing. We discussed what we know about fingerprints, what they can be used for and what makes each one unique.

  • “Police use them to catch baddies.”
  • ”We use them for mysteries.”
  • ”There’s hundreds of little lines.”
  • ”It means you’re not the same.”

Then we used our ink and made our own prints.

We also examined them through the telescope to see all the lines and whirls better.

“I’m making a picture with mine.”

Next we learned about Sir Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone and had a great time making our own phones.

We discovered that the string had to be pulled as tight as possible or the sound will not travel to the receiver. We experimented with different lengths of string and found the longer the piece, the better the sound.

Excellent work from our own little inventors!

Today in the discovery room we were mostly building bridges😁

The children decided they would like to learn a little about all of the different types of bridges. We used the Promethean board to research them and printed some pictures of famous bridges to use as inspiration to build our own.
We worked well together to create our bridge. “Look this block is the same shape as the bridge” “We are building  London Bridge”  
🎶 London bridge is falling down falling down falling down my fair lady 🎶

“ Let’s use this blue material for the water”

“ can we have some music to have a party on our bridge “

”My bridge is for monster trucks “

“ I need to use two smaller blocks to make up the size of the bigger ones because there are none left” Great problem solving!

”My bridge lights up when it’s dark” “ It even has handles to stop you falling over into the water”

“Pizza delivery for the party on the bridge “  
The children had lots of fun role playing on their bridges.

Mark making in the garden

In our garden, the children have been exploring and developing their mark making skills. recently, the children have been exploring patterns and different ways to make them.

At our provocation area, the children were using flour and paint brushes to copy and create patterns…

the children were also exploring mark making in the gross motor art area of the garden today by using the cars to create patterns on paper with paint…

Over the next few weeks, we will be developing our mark making skills through various experiences outdoors and exploring and developing our knowledge of patterns in our environment.

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