Category Archives: Special Event

Mini Master Chefs

This week, we were very lucky to have Beth visit us from East Renfrewshire Council. Beth is rolling out a fantastic new program called Mini Master Chefs, which encourages children to get involved in preparing healthy snacks at nursery using a variety of vegetables. It’s a wonderful initiative to help little ones enjoy an extra portion of veggies in a fun and interactive way!

Take a look at what we’ve been up to so far:

Morning Session

A small group of children had the chance to take part in a sensory “touch and taste” session, exploring a range of different vegetables. The children were introduced to some new veggies they hadn’t seen before, like cauliflower. We discussed their textures, smells, and how they grow.

Next, the children had the opportunity to chop the vegetables. Beth taught us how to use knives safely, showing us two new cutting techniques: the bridge hold and the claw hold.

Taking turns to use our new knife skills Everyone took a turn to chop the vegetables. Once they were chopped, it was time for a taste test! One child said, “I like the mushrooms.” Another shared, “I love tomatoes,” while someone else commented, “The onion is spicy.”

Afternoon Session

In the afternoon, we made some delicious carrot flapjacks. Beth guided us through the preparation, and the children had another sensory experience, exploring the carrot peelings and oats. We discussed how they smelled and felt as part of the activity.


One child remarked, “The carrots are like worms,” while another said, “It tickles my fingers.”

Once the flapjacks were ready, the children got to enjoy them as part of their afternoon snack.

It has been such a fantastic experience for the children, and we can’t wait to try out more activities with our Mini Master Chefs later in the week.

article 24 (health and health services)

article 3 (best interests of the child)

article 28 (right to education)

Christmas at the tinker table….🌲

This month we have introduced a new tool. We talked about the safety rules and the best way to use our saw. This can be a tricky tool to master but with lots of practise we were able to start sawing different materials. This will help strengthen hand and arm muscles and also develop hand and eye coordination skills.

As we have wooden craft sticks at the tinker table some of the children wanted to make a Christmas tree 🎄. The children discussed the best way of making the shape and decided to draw it out first then using glue they followed the line they had made and pressed the sticks on. “ it does look like a tree”. The girls and boys were able to then self select their own materials to decorate the tree.

We also had some coloured craft sticks which we were able to stick together ,decorate and hang on our tree . “Beautiful “.

We had a very frosty week and the boys and girls were excited to see the ice 🧊. “Maybe it will snow and we can make snow men”. Our clever children talked about what they could use to make a snow man at the tinker table. We had white card board tubes but they were quite long “so we can cut them” a very good idea to get some sawing practise !. We decorated our snowmen and used our fine motor skills to thread through our pipe cleaner arms.

The craft sticks were brought back out this week. We made some different shapes with them and then the girls and boys decided the favourite was a Christmas star ⭐️ and a snow flake. They stuck the craft sticks together with wood glue and the have used very “sparkly “ resources to make them shine bight. The children have hung them on our Christmas tree and they look great and they might “ twinkle” when it gets


Here is a collection of the childrens great work . You maybe able to spot all the boys and girls hard work for Christmas in all our rooms when you are visiting the nursery.

Article 13 .. we have the right to play and explore.

🎄🎄Christmas Lunch at Cart Mill Cafe 🎄🎄

The festive season is in full swing at Cart Mill, and today we celebrated with our annual Christmas lunch! Preparations began this morning, with the children using their mark-making skills to create beautiful baubles to decorate our dining room, adding a personal touch to the festivities.  Using a selecting of Christmas craft materials, they explored their creative skills and made some fantastic Christmas decorations. We even has some amazing name writing!

On the menu was a mouthwatering traditional turkey dinner, complete with all the trimmings. It was a real treat for everyone! Let’s not forget the delicious ice cream for our pudding!

In early years, sharing meals together is so much more than just eating. It’s a valuable opportunity for children to develop their social skills, engage in meaningful conversations, and build connections with their peers and adults. Moments like these create lasting memories and help foster a strong sense of community.

Take a look at some of the photos and comments from today ☺️

”The carrots are my favourite”

”We have Christmas dinner at our house but it’s different”

”I like the turkey”

”It’s chocolate ice cream, that’s my favourite!”

The children were all smiles and clearly enjoyed every bite of their Christmas lunch, and let’s not forget a big thank you to our Louise our fantastic Cart Mill Chef!

Wishing everyone a joyful and festive season!

Article 1
Everyone under 18 has all these rights

Article 27
You have the right to a good enough standard of living.This means you should have food, clothes and a place to live


Cart Mill goes Christmas Crazy 🎄🎶🎅

We are officially in the festive mood now!

The Christmas trees came out of storage and the children were very excited to help decorate them. We popped on some Christmas tunes and got to work. The children shared lots of lovely stories about putting up their own trees at the weekend too.

The Christmas vibe took over other areas of the nursery as well..

Then we enjoyed a wee boogie to the Christmas music. Some of the children were even break dancing or doing ‘The worm’!

23 days to go!!

Family Learning Event

A huge thank you to our families who attended our Family Learning event.   Within East Renfrewshire schools and nurseries, there is a campaign to encourage more family learning in both early years centres and primary schools.  Many parents engage in their child’s education through stay and play sessions or meet the teacher, but we want to encourage you to join in their learning with us.

  • family learning helps extend teaching outside of the nursery and can improve educational outcomes for children
  • It is an effective way for parents to engage with their child’s nursery and can improve communication between practitioners and parents
  • it can also open new communication between parents and children and make learning fun for both

Our staff follow Curriculum For Excellence which is the curriculum for children from the age of 3-18.  All staff are qualified to deliver this and our event was a great opportunity to share the fantastic work they do.  Our  teacher Helen helps staff to plan learning activities in each area, which is then shared on our planning wall in the playroom, along with ideas of how you can continue this learning at home.

Eilidh, our STEM Ambassador, shared some of the fantastic experiments she helps our children create. Snowstorm in a jar and monster in a cup are amongst our favourites!

Helen helps support our children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills by creating fabulous learning activities.  She has created some really useful information on phonological awareness which is the foundation for helping our children develop their early reading skills and showcased some examples of how this could be reinforced at home.

Fiona recently attended the Hanen ABC and beyond training which supports children to develop and build their language, reading and writing skills.  She shared the wonderful work Iona has done with our children to develop their knowledge of environmental print such as familiar logos on packaging, signs and creating their own posters and helping with labelling their playroom.

Angela and Val were on hand to answer any questions, share information on transitions to Primary 1 or for families who may wish to defer their entry.
Our event was a wonderful opportunity to share information with families and to ask for ideas of how we can work together to help you join in your child’s learning.  Your thoughts and opinions are so important to us and we would love your feedback on times that would suit you best for us to hold future events and whether you would be interested in learning bags, information leaflets or any ideas you have.



Garden roundup

It’s been a busy week for us in the garden. We are developing our motor skills in a variety of ways.

This simple but effective experience enabled the children to experiment with colour mixing as well as developing their fine motor and early writing skills as they made marks on the foil using different  tools.

“ The blue got on the yellow and now the yellow looks a bit green”.

“I making fireworks”

The fireworks have really grabbed the children’s attention and been the topic of conversation. Throwing the powder paint on the ground sparked an idea. “The ground is black like the sky at night”

They threw lots of different colours on the ground and used small and large items to move and redirect the paint in different shapes and patterns.

Learning how to move our bodies in different ways to develop our gross motor skills and mark making skills has been so much fun.

We filled some tights with different materials such as sponges, pasta, pom poms and balls and used them to create a piece of art. This allowed the children to explore descriptive language as they figured out how to make marks on the foil.

“The pasta is spikey”

“ This one is really heavy I had to spin round and round to get the paint up there”

“ I want to get it to the top so I have to stretch my legs and stand on my tiptoes and do a big jump”

To end the week we thought it would be a good idea to begin learning about Remembrance Day and why we mark this as a special day. We watched a short child friendly video about the Poppy and decided to create our own.
The children used cut up potatoes and loose parts to make marks on the paper to create a lovely picture.

“ My dad wears a poppy for all the soldiers”

“ We can put purple on it too to remember the Animals”

Super Sports Day!

Today was Sports Day here at Cart Mill! Excitement has been building over the last couple of weeks and we have all been practicing our favourite races!

It was very exciting to arrive at our sports area and see all our races set up by Chris, our Active Schools Co-ordinator.  Off we set to our first race.  After a quick run down of what we needed to do it was time to ready, steady, GO!!!

We ran and jumped over the hurdles and then ran back to the start to see who could finish first! It was so much fun that our families wanted to join in too! (Well done mums!)

Next up was our obstacle course.  We had to run up to the hula hoop, hop or star jump and then see if we could walk balancing a beanbag on our heads! It was a wee bit tricky but we took our time and demonstrated some fabulous balancing skills!

It was time for our flat race next! Some of us were a wee bit excited and forgot to wait for the ready, steady Go.  With a bit of practice, we soon got the hang of it! Who do you think was fastest!

Our final race was the egg and spoon race.  We are very imaginative here at Cart Mill, so we decided to have our own version, the tangerine and spoon race!

Of course what better way to round up sports day than  our super duper water slide!

It was so much fun to take turns sliding super fast down our slide.  We discovered if Val gave us a wee helping hand, we went even faster! And more bubbles appeared the faster we went (there’s definitely a science experiment in there somewhere!).
After all the fun it was time to head back inside for a quick change, ice pole and to receive our certificates.  We truly are sporting super stars!

A huge thank you to staff, Chris from Active Schools and to our fabulous families and children for making it such a memorable event.

Article 31 – the right to engage in play and recreational activities.

Super Spring Crafts!

It has been lovely to see the first signs of spring arriving at Cart Mill through our beautiful crocuses and daffodils blooming in our garden, which inspired some fabulous art artwork!

What better way to celebrate the arrival of Spring than to welcome our families to join us at our Spring Craft Event!   As ever, our children brought their creativity and enthusiasm and created some wonderful transient art, spring wreaths and some amazing artwork using their foot and handprints to display on our wall!

Of course we can’t forget decorating our biscuits, which were a firm favourite!

“I putted lots of sprinkles on mine”

”I love jam”

Family is so important to us at Cart Mill, please feel free to pop in anytime for a coffee, chat or to stay and play.

Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play.


Bye bye babies

Today we said goodbye to two of our colleagues as they finish for their well earned maternity leave. Sarah-Jane, our senior child development officer and Lorraine, our early years playworker both finished today to have a few restful weeks before their new bundles of joy arrive! The children made beautiful cards and even suggested names for the new arrivals.

These included Spiderman, Baby Spiderman, Rainbow, Kelsie, Forever Baby and Teddy Bear. I wonder which of these fabulous names Sarah-Jane and Lorraine will pick!

After giving over lots of lovely gifts, we sang songs and said goodbye but thankfully it is not forever. We cannot wait for the babies (and their mummy’s) to visit us at Cart Mill.

World Book Day 2024 📚

Happy World Book Day everyone!

The boys and girls have loved showing off the costumes of their favourite book character.

I’m very jealous of all the children wearing their super cosy jammies! They look so comfy!

We have all enjoyed lots of stories throughout the day and have taken part in lots of role play, making up our own stories as well. We even had Paddington selling ice cream in the garden!

We also enjoyed a story altogether for group time called Ruby’s Worry.

What’s your favourite story?

Article 29- your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.