Our Vision & Aims

Our Vision

“Cart Mill Family Centre aims to be the best place

for children to learn and develop.”

We provide an exciting curriculum which puts the child at the centre of learning.  We will through striving for excellence in all that we do enable children to become, successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Our Aims

We seek to: –

  • Provide safe, secure, healthy and stimulating learning environments.
  • Promote each child’s self-esteem and encourage positive attitudes towards themselves and others.
  • Ensure each child receives an appropriately child centred, broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Foster genuine partnership with parents and carers.
  • Enable each child to reach their full potential by carefully listening and responding to them.
  • Implement effectively national and local policies.
  • Ensure all resources are easily available to children and are natural whenever possible.
  • Use the outdoor spaces to extend and enrich children’s learning.
  • Work in partnership with the wider community.
  • Celebrate all forms of achievement.
  • Ensure our Family Centre provides an ethos of trust, where childhood is viewed as a free, innocent, special time of life, where children are encouraged to be inquisitive and explore.
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