Tag Archives: Snow experiments

We have Snow !

With the frosty mornings the children have been discussing how cold it has been when they arrive at nursery . Maybe it will snow today and there was a few flakes of snow today in the garden.  So let’s make our own snow !

We had some magic powder which we poured into a bowl and then gradually added cold water and stirred well and “Wow” look what’s happening the powder got bigger and bigger and turned into snow.

Our snow feels like fluff and smells like coconut and is very squishy . It feels a bit warm but real snow is cold !

I can make handprints in the snow it’s like real snow  !

The children had great fun discussing what they could make with their snow.  “ Mine is a snowball it’s like a circle” , we had some snow volcanos, snow cakes and some snow porridge.  The children took turns using the different sized scoops to help them create their snow structures.

When it was tidy up time we decided to put our tray of snow outside in the garden to discover what happens to it overnight . “ l think it will be snowy ice crystals” or  maybe turn into a snowman”. . Can’t wait for tomorrow!!