Tag Archives: baking

Promoting muffin and snack making, self serving and tidying up after ourselves 👍

At Cart Mill we are promoting independence, responsibility through learning to be resilient and confident and to be able to do things for ourselves.

Today we made muffins to serve at snack for our friends, this is a very popular experience which we do daily to give everyone a turn. By making the same recipe everyday allows the children to become confident in making the muffins independently with only a little support needed for the oven.

The children are familiar with the receipe…3 scoops of gluten free flour, 1 scoop of sugar, xanthum gum, baking powder and some coconut milk to bind together.

We put the muffins in the cases ready for the oven, 180 degrees for 20mins.

Whilst waiting for the muffins we start preparing our snack. The children choose their snack in the morning and being very careful with the knife we start chopping…

Watermelon, green apples, pineapple to go along with our freshly made muffins….delicious!!!

The choice and amount are displayed on our wall so the 2-5 year olds can identify the snack and clearly see how many they can have in accordance with our guidance and learning that we are sharing with our friends.

We sit together at snack enjoying the social element of talking to our friends and scaffolding our learning by watching the example set by our peers.

Why not try to make these muffins easy muffins at home (I’m sure the children will help you 😀)

Article 31 Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range  of cultural and artistic activities



Spiced apple cake for snack🍎

The children at Cart Mill love to bake. For our afternoon snack we have been introducing some homemade baking.

Today we have been busy making some spiced apple cake. Baking helps to develop the children independence skills. The children are able to following instructions, carrying out small tasks independently.

First we chopped our apple into small pieces. Our children know how to keep ourself safe while using the knifes.

“We need to sit on the chair”

“We are need to be careful, we don’t  want to chop our fingers”

Chopping the apple not only promotes independence but help develop fine motor skills and co ordination.

Next we use the measuring spoons to measure out the ingredients helping develop our numeracy skills.

1..2 scoops of flour

1 scoop of sugar…


Once we added all our ingredients and gave it a big stir. It was hard work, we had to use lots of muscles.

“It’s all sticky”

”It’s going to taste yummy”

Here are all our children enjoy sharing the snack with their friends.


Article 27 – You have the right to food, clothing a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met.






Homemade banana muffins for snack 😋😋😋

Today the children made banana muffins for snack to share with their friends. This is helping develop their sense of responsibility and the pride they feel in looking after others.

First aprons on and hands washed, table cleaned ready to start..

Then we mashed up the bananas helping develop our fine motor muscles

Then we measured our ingredients helping develop our numeracy and problem solving skills..3 scoops of gluten free flour

We carefully put our mixture into the cases

Then we shared the muffins with all our friends….delicious 😋😋😋

Article 28 I have the right to an education.

Banana and raisin muffins

This week our little chefs have been baking delicious muffins, following recipes from our ‘Tickle fingers, toddler cookbook’. We have been making Dairy and Gluten free Blueberry Yoghurt muffins but we ran out of blueberry yoghurt (Plant based Alpro- soya) and blueberries so had to improvise this morning.

We followed the same recipe but adapted the ingredients to suit what we had available.  We had a discussion on what ingredients we would use.  “We could use bananas” “and raisins”.

We washed our hands and put our aprons on ready to begin baking.

Working their larger arm muscles, the children began by using a potato masher to mash the banana until it was all mushy. They helped each other as it was so tough.

“It’s so tricky” “ I’m using my big muscles”

Next we added all the liquids to the banana mix including  oil, honey, soya milk and gave it a good mix using the whisk.

They added the raisins then used their measuring skills to weigh out the gluten free self raising flour using the scales, each child took turns to add a scoop to the bowl and watched as the measurements got higher.

”it’s got a 3 and 4”

“Now it’s got two 6’s that number is sixty six”

Next they added the flour to the mix and gave it a good mix till it was the right consistency for our muffins. We filled up our muffin cases and popped them in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. We discussed how to use the oven safely using oven gloves and letting an adult put them in.

The muffins turned out great and are now ready to go home.

”they smell like banana”

Let’s get baking 🥧

What an experience we had today making our very own vegan rhubarb scones from scratch with the rhubarb we’ve grown at nursery.

We went to our garden to see the rhubarb we previously planted that we have been taking care of by watering it regularly. It was now time to be picked and used.
“This one is very big.”

”I’m so strong, I can pull the rhubarb out.”

After picking the rhubarb we washed it and cut it into small pieces, adding some water and 2 teaspoons of sugar, the next step was to put it into the microwave which we discussed the safety rules for.

“I help my mum at home to cut up.”

“I’ll put one more little bit in.”

The children can independently select the ingredients needed as they follow our visual recipe. Firstly  we measured out the amounts required using mathematical language of more and less. Once we made our ingredients into a dough we rolled it out developing our fine motor skills and lastly we put the scones in the oven taking great care with the times as we don’t want the firemen to visit 🫢. 

“I’ll put all the butter in.”

”Its at number 10, we need more.”

“It smells like sweeties.”
“I’m going to roll it into a ball.”

The children take great pride in using the produce they have grown and are so proud to take these home and share with their families, why don’t you try this at home, discover the joy of watching your vegetables grow and create something you can all enjoy!!!😃

Here are the children’s delicious rhubarb vegan scones. Yum!!

Scone tastic🥯

The children are learning to make Scones independently.

First the children wash their hands and help to collect the ingredients and resources we need to make the scones. Today the children have chosen to make plain scones.

The children have been having a guess at how much ingredients we need.

”we need 1 scoop of flour”

We looked at our recipe “oh our recipe says we need 2 cups so we need more”

“I can measure the milk” ok can you pour the milk to the number 6?

The children have had so much fun making the scones and can’t wait to take them home to try them. 😋

Spooky Scones

Today in the home room we have been super busy making spooky scones. Firstly we gathered all the ingredients needed, we then followed our recipe to create our amazing colourful scones.

We measured out the amount of flour, milk and the rest of the ingredients.

“I need to put in a little more flour”

We then added in our food colouring of choice and mixed it all together. Once it was the right consistency we used the rolling pins and cutters.

“My scone is going to is going to be green”

The children then had lots of fun decorating their spooky scones using raisins.

”My one has a happy face”

“My scone has a shocked face”

Brilliantly decorated by the children and now time to go into the oven. Once they were ready the children bagged them up to take home.

“Oooo spooky”

”Mines is funny”

Our own Rhubarb Scones

Today we have picked our own rhubarb from the garden to use in our scones . We could easily spot the rhubarb in the garden because it has very big green leaves.  When the rhubarb is ready to use we discovered that you can easily pull it out the ground.

We then prepared the rhubarb . The children listened to some safety rules before using knives to cut it into smaller pieces. We then washed it clean and added a little sugar before stewing it in the microwave. Don’t touch the bowl now as it is very hot !

We put the rhubarb aside to cool. “Smells yummy”.  As the children are now very good at making scones they were able to prepare the scone mix themselves ready to add the rhubarb. We cut out the scones using our circular cutter (sometimes it’s flower shaped) today . It’s a bit sticky so we knew that the mixture need some more flour.

The scones were now ready for the oven.

The children have really enjoyed watching the rhubarb grow in the garden then being able to pick this themselves and use in our scone recipe. This is a great way to see where and how foods get from the garden to our table. We are looking forward to discovering some more recipes using our home grown fruits.

Yummy Blueberry Muffins

This week the toddlers have been extremely busy. After enjoying home grown vegetables for snack this week, they decided to make some yummy blueberry muffins to enjoy for snack.

We all washed our hands and found a recipe book to let us know what ingredients we needed.

This is what we needed:

Plain Flour
Caster Sugar
Baking Powder
Melted Butter
Lemon Rind
2 Eggs

We put all of the dry ingredients into a bowl, flour, sugar, baking powder, lemon rind and salt and gave it a stir.

Now we had to mix the wet ingredients, buttermilk, eggs and melted butter.

And gave it a good stir.

We carefully added the wet ingredients to the flour mix and gave it a good mix. It became very gloopy!

Pop in some blueberries.

The children took great care filling the muffin cases before putting them in the oven to cook.
The muffins looked delicious when they were cooked. The children had to wait till they had cooled before enjoying them for snack.

Some of the children wanted to taste some of the blueberries…. even the lemon!

What will we make next time?