Sensory fun

Over the past few weeks the boys and girls have enjoyed using every day food items to explore their senses to explore and investigate new and different textures and smells which helps to:

encourage the development of motor skills

supports language development

encourages ‘scientific thinking’ and problem solving

We had fun making rain shakers with rice, cutting and twirling “sticky” pasta

“it sounds like rain”

Weighing and balancing the scales using beans and rice.

“The beans feel squishy”

Mark making with porridge and shaving foam

”I can write my name”

Mashing and measuring with tomatoes and potatoes

What everyday ingredients could you use from home to explore?

Bookbug comes for a noisy visit!!!🤣

Today Bookbug came to visit us in our garden

We got some blankets and cushions out then let the noise commence…..

We decided to choose some instruments to play from our musical wall these included a grill pan, a wok, a pot, a teapot and a frying pan and obviously we used metal spoons for maximum noise (our neighbours loved us this morning)

We read a story Guess how much I love you in the Spring and Big Nutbrown Hare was posed a question that he had to think and think and think about and we decided to have a little think too 🤔

We enjoyed singing and playing along to Old Macdonald had a Band and I am the Music Man, Gail was the conductor that guided us to play loud and softly, quickly and slowly, when to begin and when finish.

Sometimes it was so loud which the children loved!

Why not grab something different and interesting to play when your singing it’s great fun!🥰

Article 31  You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama

Nail Designs and Patterns

As the children enjoy hammering in nails we had a think about what we could do with the nails when they were in the wood.  The children  thought about shapes and patterns they could make with the nails and then use wool to weave round them . Firstly they made their pattern or character on the wood providing them a opportunity to develop their mark making skills.

When the pattern was ready we then got the hammer and nails out. We have learnt that if we use the pliers to hold the nail it helps protect our fingers. We then placed the nails round the edge of our design and carefully hammered them in.

When the nails were in place we started to wind our wool round the nails . This part was quite tricky and definitely helped develop our hand-eye co-ordination skills, increasing our manipulative skills and dexterity. All the children made a great effort with this part of the task.

The children began to notice shapes within their designs “ look there is a triangle in my cherry pie”. “ I have a circle in my unicorn”.

Other children made the choice to use different colours of wool to wind round their designs. Look mine is a Easter bunny. This looks very pretty. The children worked very hard on their designs. Well done this was fun !

The Cart Mill Sewing Bee 🧵 🪡

We have been super busy today at the sewing area making a variety of fabulous creations. A group of children have now mastered using a needle after lots of practice, they are now able to join materials together and begin making their own creations. The children have been using technology for inspiration, drawing out their design, cutting and sewing together, further developing their fine motor and hand eye co ordination skills.

“I want to make a cuddly elephant.”

“I did it, can you take a picture to show my mum.”

“I’m making a love heart pillow for my mum.”

“I’m very good at drawing love hearts.”

A few of the children have been creating models at the tinker table and continuing on with their design at the sewing area, using their imagination and creativity.

“I’m going to measure it on the bed.”

“One pillow is a rectangle and the other is a square.”

“My toys at home now have a bunk bed.”

We have also been having lots of fun practicing our sewing techniques at the sewing table, Great job boys 👍

“I’m going to cut a big bit of wool.”

Our sewing area is a calming place for the children to sit and relax, plan, get creative and have discussions with each other, developing their communication skills.

Cart Mill’s Ice Cream Factory

In the small world area we have continued to learn about how our food gets from farm to fork. This past week we have been learning about where milk comes from and what other foods can be made from it.
We started by learning about milking the cows.

Then we learned the milk can be used to make butter and experimented with making our own. We put cream in a tub and shook it and shook it and shook it until it turned in to butter. We listened to the song Shake it Off and had a dance while shaking! Then we spread some of the butter on a bit of bread to taste it.

Then this morning we used the milk to make ice cream! First we made a mixture of milk, cream, vanilla and a little sugar. Then we popped it in a bag and sealed it then popped it in another bag and covered it in ice. Then the shaking process began again…

We took the mixture out and had a feel;

– “It’s freezing!”

– “It’s all hard!”

– “It’s a solid now!”

Then time for the best bit…… the tasting!

Inspirational Artists 👩‍🎨🧑‍🎨

This week in the Studio Room the children have been investigating the art styles of the Spanish artist, Antoni Gaudi. He had an ostentatious style of mosaics called “Trencar”. This means “to break”. Gaudi  created mosaic forms by putting together broken ceramic tiles, plates and cups.

We used some different types and textures of materials such as felt, foam, tissue paper and shiny paper. We started with some pre-cut shapes to start us off. But we soon got adventurous and used our scissor skills to create our own shapes.

We created our own “trencar” using these shapes to bring our creations to life.

Some of our older children could write their name on their finished art works.

Then pop them into the drying rack, to dry the glue.

We had a cup that was made in the style of Gaudi in our curiosity cube this week to show our children some 3D Art.

We were able to look at the mosaics pattern on the cup. We looked at how the lizard was made up of different shapes and colours.
We used the cup for inspiration to create our own still life drawings.

We have had a very creative, inspirational week in our Studio, learning about Gaudi and his “Trencar” art style.
here is some of our own interpretations.

I wonder what artist will inspire us next week……

Wednesdays are for visiting dinosaurs in far away lands🙂

Today the children decided they would like to make a story map using dinosaurs.  They had great fun creating different habitats for their dinosaurs to live in.“ I’m writing that it’s a dinosaur world we are making” “ I found my same stegosaurus in the book” “ I’m drawing some grass for my diplodocus  to eat he’s hungry from walking for a long time”

”I’m drawing around the triceratops’s he’s quite big” “I drew a cave I wonder if my eight dinosaurs will fit in it” “ My dinosaur is going for a swim in the pond”

“This is my triceratops he’s going to eat the purple flower for his lunch.

“Oh no my dinosaur is on fire” “The volcano is to hot”

“It’s okay he can go to the pond he’s not hot now” “ He’s going for a swim”

“The pterodactyl is flying over his land” “ He might fly down on his friends and eat them “ The children were very imaginative with their story telling .

“ I have a sonic dinosaur he is very fast”  We thought that next week we could move onto story’s about woodland animals.



Fragrant Fruits

The children have continued to use their favourite fruits chart and have been taking turns asking their friends what fruit tastes the best.

We had a discussion about what our five senses are and what body part you use for each one.

Taste “- your mouth”, tongue”, “ I lick my lips and taste”
Touch –  “with your hands”
Smell – “My nose”
See – “eyes”
Hear –  “Ears”

We decided we could use another one of our senses to gather information using our chart. The children chose their sense of smell to try and guess what fruit was in the cup.
We prepared the fruit and put them in our paper cups and covered it with a paper towel sealed on with an elastic band.

Everyone gathered their cups and charts and went to ask their friends to smell the fruit and say what their favourite smell and what they thought it was, before making a mark on the chart to record their answer. The children all had different favourites but were very good at identifying the correct fruit just from its smell.

We then all came back to the table and counted up all the marks we had gathered to see which one was the most popular.

“Apple has 9 it is the favourite”

” Orange has the most on my chart”

“ watermelon had none but I like watermelon”

We discussed our favourite smells before making a plan to use a different sense for our next fruit identification, what sense do you think we chose?

Slimy, Squishy Beans

Today in our malleable area the children enjoyed some sensory play with beans supporting brain development, and learning about the world around them.

Through this play the children are developing fine motor skills through tactile play, developing language, improving co-ordination, as well as fine/gross motor skills. Improving social skills such as communication and co-operation.

“I eat beans at home“

“They’re sticky”

We used all sorts of utensils to scoop, fill, pour, mash and weigh.

We used big spoons, small spoons, slotted spoons and watched the sauce “drip drip”through.

“I’m mushing the beans”

“Tap tap tap”

“Scoop, scoop, scoop”

“Wow it’s slimy”

“Look it’s slipping”

“Look squishing up”

We also had a go at balancing the scales with various degrees of success.

Exploring technology in the studio

As part of STEM week, the children have been exploring technology in the studio room by using the promethean board to create pictures.

The children were able to explore the different features of the ‘Actispire App’ by selecting different colours that they wanted to use..

”I’m using the yellow colour”

”I can pick black for my picture”

The children then used their gross motor and fine motor skills to perform different movements with their arms to create their picture on the board.

”I can do a circle”

”My picture is red and wavy like this”

”I can do a green colour on my picture”

T discovered that he could control the board by using the mouse pad on the laptop, he chose this as his preferred way to make selections for his picture.. great problem solving skills!

He then used the Ipad to take a picture of his creation all by himself.