Tag Archives: Bookbug garden singing spring

Bookbug comes for a noisy visit!!!🤣

Today Bookbug came to visit us in our garden

We got some blankets and cushions out then let the noise commence…..

We decided to choose some instruments to play from our musical wall these included a grill pan, a wok, a pot, a teapot and a frying pan and obviously we used metal spoons for maximum noise (our neighbours loved us this morning)

We read a story Guess how much I love you in the Spring and Big Nutbrown Hare was posed a question that he had to think and think and think about and we decided to have a little think too 🤔

We enjoyed singing and playing along to Old Macdonald had a Band and I am the Music Man, Gail was the conductor that guided us to play loud and softly, quickly and slowly, when to begin and when finish.

Sometimes it was so loud which the children loved!

Why not grab something different and interesting to play when your singing it’s great fun!🥰

Article 31  You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama