Shapes are all around

Our learning today consisted of shapes, shapes and more shapes! We started by using chalk to draw all the shapes we knew.

Then we used the balance beams to make a shape obstacle course. The children had to work out how many sides the shapes have and then collect the corresponding amount of beams. They did a fantastic job of creating a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a circle and even a star.

“The triangle looks like a tent.”

Then we took our learning indoors and went on a shape hunt inside the nursery. We used our worksheets to record each time we spotted a shape.

After all our hard work, we let loose by having a dance party. Check out those moves 😎💃🕺

UNCRC Article 29-
You have the right to education which tries to
develop your personality and abilities as much as
possible and encourages you to respect other
people’s rights and values and to respect the

Expressing our imaginations 👩🏼‍🎨

Some of the children have been expressing themselves through imaginative play this week in our clay station, creating mini role playing scenarios.

“guess what Pokémon this is?”

“it’s an eel. And it turns into a rhino. I need to paint it so it blends in”

“I need to roll it so it’s longer. So his mouth fits on. Super big Supertayto!”

“lots of walls. So nobody can see”

“I’m making a surprise. Guess what’s inside?  Surprise! You’re at the beach!”

Other children were very observant noticing familiar letters they recognised, and sharing stories with each other through their play.

“This looks like a L. L is in my daddy’s name. How do I write Lorenzo?”

“L is in my sisters name too. It’s Lexie”

“Is your brother in my sisters class?”

Some even created their own letters using their manipulative skills to mould and shape their designs.

The children have shown such fabulous creativity in our clay area, learning lots of different skills while exploring their imaginations and having fun 🤩 keep up the great work, everybody 👍🤩👩🏼‍🎨

Article 29 – I have the right to an education which develops my personality, talents and abilities.



Return to the Forest

This week we have taken two groups to the forest to experience learning in the wild! Forest School is a fabulous experience that we run for our pre-school children which has many benefits for them. Over the past couple of days we have seen the children flourish in their new environment. As it was our introductory week, we spoke about hazards and risks and how we were going to keep safe. We set some boundaries, they were far away so we had lots of space to explore but we could always be seen by an adult!

We looked at trees that might be good to climb and then we climbed! We squelched in the mud, a lot, some of us even lost our wellies in the muddy mess!
We explored nature, there were lots of plants to look at and one in particular we could smell. Wild garlic! It was everywhere, so we felt very hungry. We stopped for some snack before going to find more to explore.

Then we went to look at the horses in the field next door. They were munching on their grass so didn’t want to come and see us.

Before we knew it, it was time to go back to Cart Mill but we can’t wait to get out again next week.

Blasting off to Planet Mars!

The children are still really focused on learning about space in the Discovery Room. This morning we revisited the solar system. The children counted confidently that there are eight planets. Looking at pictures we tried to remember the names of all these planets.

“I know that’s Mercury because it’s the grey one!”

”Mars is the big red dot!!!”

The children decided Mars looked like the most exciting planet and got busy making a spaceship that would take them there!

”We can all sit in this big box!”

The children used their cutting, gluing and sticking skills to prepare parts of their spaceship! They had great conversations with each other about what they needed to make a super fast spaceship.

”I’m cutting the buttons for the front!”

We decided to decorate the ship with bright colours so that it would be seen in the sky! The children choose to use pom poms, sparkles and coloured paper.

“The spaceship needs fire to make it fly!”

The children added red coloured paper cut like flames to the back so that the spaceship would blast off!

”It needs to fly super fast, wooooooooooosh!”

We added some finishing touches and then jumped in to set off on our journey!  3,2,1 blast off!!!!

”I can go from side to side!”

Some of the children decided they wanted to cut holes in the bottom of the spaceship so that they could actually move it around!

”Weeeeeeeeee look we can fly to Space! Let’s go to Mars!”

What a fantastic idea that was, how inventive and imaginative! What  great fun everyone had taking turns to steer the spaceship around Cartmill!

Article 28 – You have the right to Education






Welcome to our hairdressers ✂️

A conversation sparked between the children when some members of staff came to nursery last week after having their hair done in preparation for Derek’s Big Day.

“I went to the hairdressers last week”

” Can I do your hair?”

“My mum gets her hair cut in my kitchen, the hairdresser comes to my house”

“I go to the barbers with daddy”

The children used imaginary brushes and “honey spray” to do each others hair until it was “nice and soft”.  This morning I left a box of hair styling and barber tools in the home corner to see what the children did with them.

They tried out some of the tools, brought some chairs over and then went searching for new customers to get their hair done.

“My mum has one of these, she uses it before work In the morning”

“The baby doesn’t have lots of hair”

“Next! What number do you want, a 1 or a 2 or a 3?”

“Look at me, do you like my new hair?”

The children loved being hairdressers and barbers for the day, they were so excited to share and re-enact  their own experiences of hair cuts, at home, at the barbers or at the salon. They can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow.

“Can we do it again tomorrow?”

Street Art Garden. 🌼🌸🌺

Some of our children have been commenting on the wonderful, colourful flowers we have growing in our garden.

This was the inspiration for our next street art creation in our gross motor art area in our garden.
We chose colours that we thought were like the ones we had seen on our flowers. One of the children wanted pink. Using our colour mixing skills, we mixed our red and white to make a pastel pink colour. We also mixed red and blue together with a little white to create a wonderful deep purple colour.

We made some flowers on our ground in chalk as the start of our street art creation and got our paints and brushes ready to use.  As we were using the ground as our canvas, we made sure we put on our welly boots and aprons to protect our clothes.

Now for the fun part. To get creating and using our gross motor art skills.

Some of our children wanted to use the paints to colour in the chalk outlines.

Some of our children wanted to design their own flowers using lots of different colours to create a rainbow flower.

We were enjoying having the freedom to create and use the paints in our design process on a larger scale.

We spoke about what kind of flowers we were making for our street art garden. We had Daffodils, Tulips, Sunflowers and even a Spider-Man flower.

Some children were finding their own spontaneous inspiration and created different shapes.

We even made numbers and fruits as well with one child creating a green apple and a yellow banana.

We had so much fun painting our street art garden in the sun and letting our creative thinking shine.

I think our street art garden looks as wonderful and as colourful as the real flowers in our garden.

Article 21 – “Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you to learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.”

Gardening is Great!

We love gardening in Cart Mill and the weather never stops us getting out to see what we have growing in our garden. As it has been a little cold recently, we took a trip into the greenhouse to see if any of our seeds had popped up through the soil and they had! We checked that everything had enough water to drink and looked to see if any of the plant pots needed turned round – did you know that plants grow towards the light so sometimes they can look a little squint when they start to grow?

With everything looking okay, we thought we would test out our sense of smell. We have some herbs growing in the greenhouse at the moment so we each got to pick a small leaf and rub it around in our fingers. Then we had to take a big, deep sniff and guess what we could smell – it was mint! It was just like toothpaste.

We then moved outside to see what was growing in the planters. We have some lovely spring flowers growing but we suddenly spotted some big green leaves – is it cabbage?

No, on closer inspection, we discovered it was rhubarb. We wondered if there was anywhere we could use some rhubarb – I know, we could give it to Gail and she could help us make some rhubarb muffins! So, we decided to pick some – but not too much, to hand in to the baking area. It was quite hard to pull but we tugged and we twisted and CRACK, out the stalk of rhubarb came. After thinking about it, we decided that two stalks would be enough.

By now it was raining quite heavily so we thought we better go inside. Although, we had one last use for our rhubarb, an umbrella!

Gardening with children has so many benefits, which is why we are so fond of promoting it at Cart Mill. Benefits include: improving your mood, gardening reduces stresses and improves your overall mood; it is a great form of exercise, gardening is physical and can keep children active; understanding nature, gardening allows children to get close to worms, bees, flowers etc; stimulate senses, gardening helps us use all our senses; gardening can promote healthier eating, children also get an understanding of where food comes from and how it looks in its natural form; it is cheap, gardening is a great way to learn together with very little cost, even if you don’t have outdoor space, you can grow tomatoes or peppers from seed at your window; It is fun! The most important part of gardening, you can explore, investigate and see thing happen – sometimes you just need to be a little patient!

Our Local Landmarks

Last week the children were creating bridges and castles. We looked up the squinty bridge ( Clyde Arc) and Stirling Castle. Quite a few of the children recognised the bridge.

So this week we decided we would go and explore our own local environment.
We had a think about what we needed to do to keep us safe when we are out a walk.

“ we need to hold hand & listen”

”watch the roads”

” walk nice”

” have fun”
First of all we passed the spider park and continued towards the forest where we could hear the water so we went to explore and we found our very own bridge! “can we pick up sticks and watch them go under bridge?”

The children had fun playing Pooh sticks – throwing their sticks and running to the other side to watch for their stick coming. We then walked further along and found an even bigger bridge.

“ it’s so big I can’t see over”

“The cars go over this one”

“I can hear the train”

“My house is up there and there’s another bridge”

It was now getting close to lunch time and it was time to head back the children were using great listening skills and road safety and  we spotted lsome more familiar landmarks Williamwood high school  and  Bonnyton House. They were also intrigued by the black and white cat.

Today the children have been busy using their gross motor skills and imaginations to build bridges similar to those they have seen in our local  environment.  The children shared their thoughts and ideas, and used mathematical language to describe how their towers were going to look. They had great concentration and problem solving skills  to ensure they would stay up and connect.

children working together as a team

“We are making the one we were on yesterday, Lots of people can walk over it .”

”mine is going to be so long”

Some of the children chose to create their own bridge.

“I am going to make a bridge for cars”

”Look how high it is”

“I have 6 cars on mine”

“I will make one for people”

” I am putting signs on my bridge”

Marvellous Monday experiments 🥰

Today some of our little scientists decided they would like to do a soap experiment.

We started off with our soap moulds, a plastic bag, a beaker, transparent soap base, food colouring and of course some scent. The children thought the soap base looked like crystals and noticed it was colourless with no smell  “ We talked about what the main function of soap is, the children know it is used for cleaning and how they use it – “I wash all my germs off at night with soap, so I’m clean”
Next we opened up the bag and placed the transparent soap base into it. The children chose what colour and scent to put into their soap. Some wanted the peach scent in it “Mmm I like fruity smells” I explained that all hand soap starts the same and then the scents and colours are added. We popped the bag with the soap scent and colour into the hot water. The children were excited to see the soap base melt and combine with the scent and colouring. “Look it’s gone slimey it’s melted”
The children were able to follow a set of instructions and used our pipettes to  fill their chosen mould.

What shape would you pick – we had lots of choices: I want a dolphin soap for my bath” “ No I think penguins are the best sea animal so I want that soap” The children are excited to take their soaps home and try them out. I wonder if the soap will make the bath water smell like 🍑 ?

Bookbug joins us for some spring songs 🐣🐑🌞

Bookbug came to visit us today so we all sang our ‘Hallo’ song to welcome him..

We wondered how many spring animals were on the farm…we thought about chicks, lambs, bunnies.

We pretended to be bunnies with flies upon on noses and curly whiskers 😂 enjoying the song Little Peter Rabbit.  We were dancing, jumping and hopping to Sleepy Bunnies and after all that exercise, sat down and enjoyed the story of the 6 Little Chicks.



It’s so lovely that spring has arrived, to think and see the wonders of nature, the bright mornings and light evenings, the flowers and plants and to enjoy all this with our friends 😁

Article 31 You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama

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