Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Exercise Exercise Exercise!

Today, the children have been very keen to get their bodies moving! We discussed different ways we can exercise and why it is important to exercise.

” We need to keep healthy”

“ fruit makes me healthy too “

” I had vegetables with my lunch today “

We started off with a nice warm up in the garden and discussed the importance of this!

“We might hurt our legs if we don’t warm up”

” We won’t be able to exercise right “

After our warm up we made our own obstacle course to try out!!

“ Look how high I can jump “

” I’m being careful so I don’t get hurt “

We even had a cycle on the bikes!

“ my legs are getting exercise! “

And finally to cool down, we tried out some yoga!


Yummy Blueberry Muffins

This week the toddlers have been extremely busy. After enjoying home grown vegetables for snack this week, they decided to make some yummy blueberry muffins to enjoy for snack.

We all washed our hands and found a recipe book to let us know what ingredients we needed.

This is what we needed:

Plain Flour
Caster Sugar
Baking Powder
Melted Butter
Lemon Rind
2 Eggs

We put all of the dry ingredients into a bowl, flour, sugar, baking powder, lemon rind and salt and gave it a stir.

Now we had to mix the wet ingredients, buttermilk, eggs and melted butter.

And gave it a good stir.

We carefully added the wet ingredients to the flour mix and gave it a good mix. It became very gloopy!

Pop in some blueberries.

The children took great care filling the muffin cases before putting them in the oven to cook.
The muffins looked delicious when they were cooked. The children had to wait till they had cooled before enjoying them for snack.

Some of the children wanted to taste some of the blueberries…. even the lemon!

What will we make next time?

From earth to table snack today!!!🥕🥕🥕

The toddlers have been growing vegetables in our garden. We have been watering  them regularly and today we were able to harvest them! We enjoyed some delicious toddler grown snacks including carrots and  spring onion,  with a potato to take home for later.

We firstly picked our carrots, spring onions and potatoes.

Then we washed the soil off.

Finally after working so hard today, we enjoyed tasting our Cart Mill grown vegetables at snack time.

The children have been learning where our food comes from and it was nice to be able to learn and share together. 😀



Flapjack fun!

Today the children in the toddlers had so much fun making yummy, sticky flapjacks! We did lots of measuring, weighing, melting, greasing and mixing to make the perfect consistency. This morning it turned out a little bit dry, so we put our thinking caps on… how do we make it stickier? The answer of course, was more sticky syrup!! We added some extra tablespoons of syrup to see if it would change the texture as it  was “too crumbly” and “crunchy”the first time, and it turned out just right. Well done guys! See if you can spot the difference.

We can’t wait to see what the children decide to make next from their book of baking ideas. Stay tuned!!


Fruit skewers anyone…..

In the toddlers today we decided to make fruit skewers today. We were able to focus on colours, patterns, taste, numeracy as well as developing our fine motor skills.

Firstly, we washed our fruit

We picked from a selection of strawberries, apples, grapes and bananas

We used our fingers to carefully thread the fruit onto our skewers creating patterns

It can be quite tricky but we all persevered

The fruit is very tasty

Happy children enjoying their snack 😁

Merry Christmas to all

There were some very excited children in the centre today. As it was cold and frosty we thought it would be a good idea to light the fire and sing some Christmas songs around it, while drinking delicious hot chocolate.
We hope all the Cart Mill family have a wonderful and safe festive period.
Merry Christmas, and a very happy New Year from us all.
Thank you to all for the most generous gifts you have handed in for the staff, it is very much appreciated.