Getting busy in the garden!

Today in the garden  we had great fun enjoying some September sunshine! We were very busy developing our gross motor skills in many different ways.

Some children got messy in the paint using big arm strokes to create an art masterpiece. They were using mops, brushes and roller cars to make different patterns.

We enjoyed water play and particularly had fun pouring water down the gutters  and catching it at the bottom.. Rolling the balls down with the water was great, the children realised that the more water they poured the quicker the balls travelled!
Jumping in the very large puddle in the garden was as always loved by the children! They enjoyed getting their suits on and making a big splash! The higher the jump the bigger the splash!

Let’s hope the sun keeps shining down on our garden!

Fun day Monday baking Scones 😃

The Children are learning how to make their own scones .  Firstly we talked about what kind of scones we would make.

“I want to make cherry scones because cherries are my favourite fruit” “ I don’t like cherries so I don’t want any in my scones” “ I just like plain scones”

We then discussed the ingredients we would need.
“ I think we need flour and sugar” “ lots of coconut milk to make the mixture wet” “Baking powder for the scones to rise”
Then we used lots of mathematical language to talk about the quantity’s of the ingredients.

“It’s four scoops of flour and one small scoop of sugar” “ We need to measure out the milk in the glass jug it’s 100 ml”  “It’s only one teaspoonful of vanilla essence and one teaspoonful of baking powder that makes the scones grow” “ mm coconut milk smells yummy”
Everyone loved rolling out their scone mix, it was a bit sticky and stretchy!

Then it was time to cut them out and count how many scones we had.

The children did great turn taking and knew that the scones went into the oven for 10 minutes. “ I’m excited to see what my scone tastes like” “ The cherries look tasty”

Well done children your scones look amazing 😁


Mud kitchen fun

This morning in the mud kitchen the children explored their creative side engaging in pretend and messy play.

We started by writing “Cafe open “ and set to work making muffins and pizza developing our fine motor skills by cutting some flowers and leaves which we gathered from the garden, we even added some chives and mint from the garden.

“it smells like toothpaste”

Then we set to work mixing all the ingredients and popped it in the pizza oven to cook.

”I like pepperoni “

Once it was cooked we took turns to share and also make sure everyone had a cup of “juice”

One of the children then brought out a surprise dessert, a delicious mud jelly.


Let’s Get Matching!

Today in the noisy quiet room we explored table top games. The children selected a couple of games to play throughout the morning. These games focused on matching, turn taking and developing our social skills. Bellow are some of the games we played.


We played snap with picture cards. We took turns to deal out the cards and then started the game. Everyone did very well taking turns with our friends when playing.  When we found two cards the same we had to be very quick and say “SNAP! Everyone did super work and we have some very quick fingers!

“You need two the same”

“I’m going to be quick and snap them”

“I play this game at home and you need to get two the same”

Smelly Wellies

In the game of smelly wellies we placed all the welly cards face down and took it in turns to flip over one left and one right (green & red) welly to try make a pair. We had to test our memory and remember where they were. Once we found a pair we added them to our board.

“Turn them over and get two the same”

“You take one red and one green”

“Two the same is pair”

”It’s your turn next”

“I remember where my one is”

Super scientists👨‍🔬

Today in our garden we have been super scientists! We decided to make our own chalk paint, so we gathered all the ingredients needed and got started. We used our problem solving and teamwork skills to follow the steps to create the paint. Firstly we added in the cornflour, water and then food colouring of choice.

The children then painted lonely designs on the floor.

“I’m painting my  mummy”

”Look at mines, it’s a funny face”

The children then decided they wanted to mix in different ingredients to see what happens, so we mixed in bicarbonate soda and vinegar and waited to see what happened.

“Wow it’s exploding”

“Mine looks like a volcano”

“It’s bubbling”

Dolly Day Care

Today in our home room we shared how we used our imaginations and skills we have observed from our families home.

We demonstrated how we are caring and nurturing using our dolls. We bathed our dolls and put clothes on them to keep warm.

“she all cold”

”bubble bath”

Once our babies were dressed they had rumbley tummies and needed fed. We put some playdough into pots and carefully making sure we didn’t burn our fingers used our cooker to warm the babies food.

“It’s burnt”

”hot, hot”

We placed our babies in the high chairs while their food was cooking. When it was ready we put some into a bowl and used a spoon to feed them.

“Yummy “

Once our babies had ate up all their food I was time to clean up, we washed our dishes in the sink.

Our next part of the day was as shopping trip. We got our handbags ready for going to the shops.

“I am going for milk”

”I get pasta”

”I will get yummy biscuits”

When we got home from our shopping trip we settled our babies down by reading them a lovely story before tucking them in.

Colours walk

Today we have been learning about our senses and specifically talking about our sense of sight. We decided to go for a walk round the local area to discover what colours we could see. We started by creating a colours board we could take with us and made sure we could name each colour.

As soon as we left the nursery we noticed the green grass and there was a yellow buttercup too. Then we saw the yellow gate and the purple climbing frame at the park.

Continuing on our walk we noticed all the beautiful colours of the flowers.

“I see yellow flowers, they’re like sunflowers.”
“I can see purple! And there’s red inside them !”
“There’s lots of flowers in this garden! Look, different coloured tubs!”

But…. the best thing we noticed today was the big blue sky and the yellow sun ☀️


Al fresco Bookbug 😁

As the sun came out on this beautiful Friday, Bookbug came to visit us to share some songs stories….

We all said ‘Hallo’ to Bookbug with a great big hug followed by

The Wheels On The Bus, our wipers were swooshing

The children jumping up and down on the bus

Sticking out our tongues being a Little Green Frog

We all enjoyed our interactive touchy freely story about a teddy bear

Finishing off with Little Bunnies!!!

The children love when Bookbug comes to visit and if you fancy joining us he’ll visit once a month morning and afternoon and you can come and join in the fun 😁


Den Building ⛺️

Today in our garden the children have been very busy and super creative! They have been working hard as a team using their problem solving skills to build their own dens out of different materials and loose parts.

The children then built their own campfire so they stay cosy and warm

“It’s so hot, be careful”

Come inside and have a look at the children’s fabulous den!

“This is the kitchen and living room”

”This is our bedroom, night night”

They then relaxed and had a little picnic.
“Here’s your sandwich”