Discovering Maths

This week the children have been learning about maths and having fun trying out all the different ways this can be done.

The construction block area is always in good use and after we had read a story about 10 little monsters  the children decided to build their own spooky castle 🏰  we have been working out sizes long ones  for this wall and we need shorter ones over here !

We have been counting  12345 as we have posted the counters through the block . We have discovered that some items are too big to fit through the hole.

At the tinker table we have been practising our measuring skills looking at the numbers on the ruler or tape and placing the items in order of size. This one is the” biggest “. We even had a look round the nursery to compare sizes of different resources.
Our loose parts area was full of resources and inspiration . We had a look at a book called Hannah’s Collection and this gave us great ideas. We then made our own designs using loose parts “ I will use the round buttons and make lollipops” and I can use sticks to make a shop.  We had some lovely creations.

As the children also enjoy technology they had turns following the instruction cards to make our “bee bots” move in different directions.  Press this button one time to move forward or this button to go backwards. There is four buttons on mine “look it can go this way “  we learnt that this means it’s moving to the right or to the left.

We have all enjoyed our day in the discovery room. Let’s look out for shapes and sizes on our way home !