Cart Mill Sports Day!

The children had so much fun today exploring the different stations of our sports day event. We had to listen really well and follow the instructions as we moved around each of the stations & at the end we had the famous Cart Mill water slide!

Here is some pictures.. enjoy!

We had a running race.. we can go so fast!

The sack race..

Hurdle jumping…

Egg and spoon race

and the famous water slide…

As you can understand it is super difficult to post all of the pictures on the blog.. We will have them on the tv screen in the reception area for you to have a look at at pick up or drop off time!

How do we make paint move?

Today we have been combining gross motor art with science to learn how to make paint move without using a brush.

β€œWe can pour it.” β€œIt needs to be high up.”

The children had some great ideas so got straight to work! We mixed up the paint and found some pipes to roll it down. One of the children noticed his pipe was sitting further out so he was sure his paint would go further.

The blue paint went further than the yellow! On examination we found the yellow paint was thicker than the blue so we then tried adding more water to the paint. It went much further than the first attempt!

The next pair decided to experiment with altering the height of the pipes to see if that would make the paint travel further.

β€œI’m putting it on the highest one!”

We found that the paint travelled faster down the pipe when it was higher and it did make it go further.

The next challenge was to direct the paint on to the paper to create a long distance artwork. We had to use all of the prior learning to make sure we mixed the paint to the right consistency, we had to make sure the pipes were at the right height and we had to aim in the right direction. Very tricky!

The children all enjoyed predicting what would happen each time we changed a variable and then testing the theory. A beautiful crossover of science and art!

Article 29- you have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible.

Cart Mill Celebrations – Class of 2023

It was a very exciting day at Cart Mill today as we celebrated our pre-school tie ceremony.
We have been working hard to learn all our songs. We sang β€œhello everyone” to welcome everyone who came to watch.
We then sang β€œ if you are happy and you know it” we gave it a little twist and changed the lyrics to add in a little dance and blow a kiss.

Next we sang two songs using Makaton sign language that we had learned. β€œI can sing a rainbow” and β€œhere comes the sun”

Next Β was our show stopper song that all the children love to sing loud and proud β€œ we are going to a new school” and we finished off with a firm nursery classic β€œtwinkle twinkle”.
Then we were individually presented with our new school tie. As our name was called, we read out what we wanted to be when we were older. We had a few budding scientists and police in our group.
Once the tie ceremony presentation was over we made our way through to the noisy quiet room for treats and juice.
There was pictures of us on the wall from when we started until now to see how we had grown. We had also each drew a self portrait.
It was a lovely day and I for one was very proud of each and every one of our pre-school children.
Here is a small selection of pictures of our day. Β A huge thank you to every who attended.

We hope school is ready for you all. Well done everyone.

Article 28- Β You have the right to education.


The children have really loved followingΒ the journey of our nursery butterflies. They have now hatched and will soon be ready to be released. Today in the garden we were looking again at the life cycle of the butterfly.

The children are now very familiar with butterflies and wanted to make their own. We decided to use our loose partsΒ for our creations.

We discussed the parts of a butterfly and decided to use the pipe cleaners as the bodies! The children then used all the different materials to design their own butterflies!.

β€œBoth wings need to match!”

”I want my butterfly as a pet!”

”Mine has lots of colours,”

I think you will agree that our finished butterflies are fantastic!

It got so hot in the garden today that we came in to cool down and we watched β€˜The Hungry Caterpillar’ story with ice poles!! They were yummy in this heat!

Article 31 – you have the right to play and rest.

It’s all clickety clack at Cart Mill 🧢

Today we tried a little knitting, we found it a little tricky but we are all going to persevere and practice.

Knitting helps to develop our fine motor muscles which in turn will aid our early mark making skills. It helps our hand to eye co ordination and focus’ our concentration and develops our problem solving skills.

We made a friendship bracelet this week……who knows what we’ll achieve next week!!!

Article 28 You have the right to education

Let’s explore loose parts.

Today in the Discovery Room, we were exploring the loose parts. We set up the loose part area with some natural materials and some familiar objects that might spark some interest in our children’s creativity.

We had objects such as shells, wooden disks, bottle lids, wooden pegs and wooden rings.
Our older children decided to have a loose parts tea party.

They used the loose parts and pretended they were foods such as burgers, pizza Β and cups of tea. The older children were able to use their imaginative skills to add the loose parts into their role play, making connection with objects, relating them to real life scenarios.
Some of our older children used the loose parts to turn into different objects and shapes.

We recreated shapes such as love hearts and faces.

Our younger children were using the loose parts to stack, line up and Β using containers to fill and empty with them.

The children were making long bridges with all the different types of loose parts adding each one to make the bridge longer.

The 2-3 year old children were enjoying exploring each of the loose parts seeing what can be done with them. We could balance the wooden disk on the large screw.

We could stack them on top of each other.
We enjoyed looking at the different shape, size and texture of each of the loose part materials.

Our children are all at different stages in their play with Β loose parts and it is wonderful to see how the creative minds of each of our children works. Each child has their on unique way of using the loose parts.

Article 31 – every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Caring for others at the Cartmill Hospital

In the home room we have been talking about people who help us . β€œA nurse and a doctor work in a hospital”. We chatted about making our own hospital and what we would need. Β β€œIt’s a emergency number it’s 999”


We then had a look at some instruments that the doctors and nurses might use. We learnt some new words β€œstethoscope β€œ that’s for listening to my heart. This instrument has a light on it then the doctor can see in my ears . We also have bandages in case I hurt my leg.

”You need a x ray to check if you have a broken bone β€œ . We will get a screen because you get privacy at the hospital”

On arriving at our hospital we would like you to check in and let the nurse know how you are feeling and tell her what is sore. Our doctors and nurses will decide the best treatment for you.

Some of our patients who came to the hospital had bad accidents. β€œ I went to the zoo and a tiger scratched my leg”. We worked well together, turn taking,co-operating and responding to each other. We discussed how you can only take medicine if the doctor has given it to you. β€œMummy gives me the medicine at home”

We have had a Β busy hospital today and the doctors and nurses have decided Β that some of our patients will need to stay overnight. Β Let’s see who comes to our hospital tomorrow β€œwe might need more medicine and bandages”.

Our beautiful butterflies πŸ¦‹

What a wonderful surprise we got today walking into nursery to see our butterflies had emerged Β from their chrysalises.

The children were super excited β€œwe can now feed the butterflies”. We had a discussion about what the butterflies can eat.

β€œWe need to feed the butterflies so they grow.”
β€œThen we can let them out to fly away.”

β€œThe butterflies need sugar water.”
β€œCan we give them fruit.”

We read the guidance instructions and it was suggested that we feed the butterflies slices of citrus fruit and sugar water. So the children cut up pieces of oranges and filled cup lids with sugar water. Next we gently placed the fruit and water into the butterflies net and watched to see what happened.

β€œWe need to be so careful so we don’t scare them.”

β€œThey are going to eat all the oranges.

β€œThat one is going over to the water.”

We will continue to look after our butterflies until they are ready to be released into our garden. The children have enjoyed watching every step as they grow. πŸ¦‹

I climbed aboard the Pirate Ship!

In the block area today, the children used their problem solving skills throughout imaginative play to build a model pirate ship. The children showed that they were able to think creatively whilst working together to build their ship.

The children discussed possible design criteria and shared ideas about where they think the different parts should go and what they could be.

”These big bits can be the floaty bit to stop the boat from sinking in the water”

”Everyone climb aboard! The ship is setting sail”

The children were able to work together as a team and cooperate within a small group to complete the pirate ship.

And we couldn’t forget the most important thing… our treasure map!


Article 31 – I have the right to play

Article 15- I have the right to meet with friends

Sand play

The children have been exploring edible sand made from ground cheerios. We have made edible sand to allow some of our children to explore the feeling of the sand in a safe way.

Sand play is a rich sensory experience, it can be very calming. It also give our children a way to explore and express their feelings.

Playing in the sand is terrific for developing fine motor skills, building hand eye coordination and strengthen muscles. As the children make movements such as digging, scooping, pouring, pushing and lifting they are developing all these key pre writing skills.


Sand play can give the children the opportunity to develop useful social skills while playing alongside their peers and help to spark creativity.

“A little strawberry on the top”

“I’m popping a lid on it”

And most of Β all sand allows the children to play and have fun with their friends.