Tag Archives: roleplay

Home Corner Fun

This week in the home corner the children have been really busy enjoying role play acting out real world scenarios so far we have been:

Cooking, baking and cleaning in the kitchen

“ I’m the chef”

Putting on the washing before hanging it on the line to dry

“it needs to get dry”

Taking care of the babies

“I made breakfast “

Working from home

Some matching and sorting

“there’s lots of this one”

We even had a handyman in to fix the high chair

What a busy week we have had.

Role play is very popular in the nursery and all of theses activities help to encourage communication and language skills, it also helps to develop self esteem, creativity, social and problem solving skills as they collaborate with their peers.

Caring for others at the Cartmill Hospital

In the home room we have been talking about people who help us . “A nurse and a doctor work in a hospital”. We chatted about making our own hospital and what we would need.  “It’s a emergency number it’s 999”


We then had a look at some instruments that the doctors and nurses might use. We learnt some new words “stethoscope “ that’s for listening to my heart. This instrument has a light on it then the doctor can see in my ears . We also have bandages in case I hurt my leg.

”You need a x ray to check if you have a broken bone “ . We will get a screen because you get privacy at the hospital”

On arriving at our hospital we would like you to check in and let the nurse know how you are feeling and tell her what is sore. Our doctors and nurses will decide the best treatment for you.

Some of our patients who came to the hospital had bad accidents. “ I went to the zoo and a tiger scratched my leg”. We worked well together, turn taking,co-operating and responding to each other. We discussed how you can only take medicine if the doctor has given it to you. “Mummy gives me the medicine at home”

We have had a  busy hospital today and the doctors and nurses have decided  that some of our patients will need to stay overnight.  Let’s see who comes to our hospital tomorrow “we might need more medicine and bandages”.

Welcome to our story corner 🧸 📚

We have been very busy in the home room today, setting up a cosy book corner. The children started off by choosing their favourite stories from our library cupboard, selecting a variety of books that sparked their imagination.

“The scary shark looks like this.”

”I have this one at home, it’s my favourite.”

We then got started on choosing puppets for our story corner.

”Let’s have incy wincy”

”I like this one, it has little red riding hood and the wolf”

We sang some of the children’s favourite nursery rhymes and then choose our rhyme of the week, which was wind the bobbin up 🧵.

”Wind the bobbin up is my favourite”

”I like when we sing it really fast”

We then had lots of fun reading stories, singing and playing with the puppets in our new area. Well done to the children for helping set it up, great job!