Beautiful Butterflies

After releasing our butterflies last week the children developed a keen interest in them so using butterflies for inspiration over the last couple of weeks the children have enjoyed learning about symmetry by looking and noticing that they looked the same on each side.

We enjoyed reading all about The Very Hungry Caterpillar and talking about the colours and pattern in the beautiful butterfly.

We looked at half a picture of a butterfly through the mirror to make a whole butterfly.

The children then created their own butterfly designs using paint and folding the page in half creating a mirror image.

We also had fun using loose parts to create our own designs.

Can you find more things in nature that are symmetrical?

Moving on up!!

It’s a day of mixed emotions today at Cart Mill as our fabulous Class of 2023 head off towards their new adventures in Primary One and some of our younger children prepare to embark on their new journeys at other nurseries.

Looking back over the last year it has been fantastic to see our children grow, develop their confidence and independence, embrace new opportunities and see wonderful new relationships form.   We thought we’d share a few of our favourite adventures with you!

Our Cart Mill children are so talented.  It has been amazing to see them share this with their friends and encourage and support one another through reading stories, riding our balance bikes, leading a gymnastics class and having a go at knitting!

“Teamwork makes the dreamwork” as some of our children like to say!  They’ve certainly achieved this through teaching each other how to make playdough, looking after our babies and each other at Cart Mill A&E, helping each other to climb a tree at forest school, and taking time to chat and share a cheers at snack time.

We’re sure you’ll agree it’s been a such a busy, fun-filled year it has been so far and we’re so excited for the wonderful adventures that lie ahead,

Family really is at the heart of everything we do at Cart Mill and we feel honoured to have made such amazing memories with you and are so proud of our fabulous children.

We don’t like to say goodbye, so it’s a good luck, have fun and please come back and visit us soon!  To our children returning in August, we look forward to new adventures and finally to our children we are lucky enough to hold on to for a little longer, we look forward to seeing you next week for more fun filled adventures!