Leaf Man!

Today in the garden we have enjoyed reading the book Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert.

The children loved hearing about the adventures the wind took Leaf Man on in the story.

After listening to the story the children enjoyed looking through the book and making up their own adventures!

Using the leaves and conkers we have collected on our local walks we made our very own Leaf Men. The children had great fun doing this.

“Mine has a smiley face made from conkers!”

“Look, my guy has cheeks and a tummy button!”

”Mine has a big nose sticking out!”

“The wind will blow him to space!”

“Spider-Man leaf!”  “He can to big jumps and kicks!”

“I’ve made a girl called Millie all using the conkers, she has a leaf hat!”

What great stories the children made up about their Leaf Men. The next time you see leaves blowing in the wind make sure to ask the children about their adventures!