Tag Archives: #literacyskills

Bookbug joins us for some spring songs 🐣🐑🌞

Bookbug came to visit us today so we all sang our ‘Hallo’ song to welcome him..

We wondered how many spring animals were on the farm…we thought about chicks, lambs, bunnies.

We pretended to be bunnies with flies upon on noses and curly whiskers 😂 enjoying the song Little Peter Rabbit.  We were dancing, jumping and hopping to Sleepy Bunnies and after all that exercise, sat down and enjoyed the story of the 6 Little Chicks.



It’s so lovely that spring has arrived, to think and see the wonders of nature, the bright mornings and light evenings, the flowers and plants and to enjoy all this with our friends 😁

Article 31 You have the right to play and relax by doing things like sports, music and drama

Creating The Cart Mill Scarecrow!

In our garden adventures on Wednesday, we dove into the beloved story of “The Scarecrows Wedding” by Julia Donaldson.  Inspired by the tale, one of our little minds proposed an exciting idea – let’s make our own scarecrow to protect our plants from hungry birds!

”The birds like to eat fruit so they maybe will eat our seeds”

Excitement bubbled as we brainstormed what we’d need, just like in the story we got to work and wrote some lists. These included:

  • Straw
  • Clothes
  • Hat
  • Scarf
  • Head 
  • Legs
  • Face

With our list in hand, we turned to the internet for guidance. Click the link to try building a scarecrow at home.  How to build a scarecrow

Today was the big day! We gathered our supplies and got busy.

First, we stuffed some old clothes with straw to make our scarecrow’s body. We made sure everything was nice and secure.

Next came the fun part – creating the face! We discussed facial features together and gave it some eyes, a nose and a big friendly smile. We also gave it some lovely Cart Mill branding. 


Once the body and face were ready, we used sticks from our willow tree to give our scarecrow a strong frame. Then, we proudly placed it in the garden to stand guard over our precious veggies.

As we admired our handiwork, one question remained: What should we name our new friend? Suggestions flew around, each more imaginative than the last. It came to a vote and we decided on Harry!

With our scarecrow watching over the garden, we wrapped up another day of fun and learning in our outdoor classroom. 😀

Article 13 (freedom of expression)

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture)

Article 28 (right to education)

Fun with words 💡🖌

The children have been experimenting with mark making in the clay area today using a variety of interesting materials, and demonstrated fabulous letter recognition while investigating the resources. Some children created their own names…

Other children enjoyed copying the letters themselves using the clay tools…

Some children recognised familiar letters from their friends and families names…

“How do I make Mummy? I need an M”

The children had lots of fun exploring the different sounds the letters make, and learning how they work together to create new and fun words.

“what does this say?”

”lots of words!”

“E for elephant.”

“no that’s an e”

”No it’s a big letter so it’s E! A big  capital E”

The children have shown wonderful creativity while developing their literacy skills at the clay table, and most importantly had lots of fun doing it. They have even suggested we try shapes next time!

Article 29 – I have the right to an education that develops my personality.


Helicopter stories 🚁

Today, the children had so much fun exploring their imagination and creating helicopter stories. Firstly, we worked together as a team suggesting ideas for our story outline. and we came up with a space theme 🌎

“the spaceship and the rocket are crashing into each other”

”it’s a person in the rocket”

Next, we put our thinking caps on and decided on what roles we would act out and put our story into action!

The children all had different ideas for their helicopter stories, some of the suggestions were:

“The chocolate brownie stands up in space”

”I’m the rocket”

”it exploded when it crashed at the door”

”the alien fell down with a Big Bang”

After creating our story we illustrated our characters. Great work everyone 👍

Here’s a look at the children’s fab imaginative story!

Helicopter stories are a fun way to build literacy skills, develop emotional and social skills, explore and extend a child’s imagination and gain confidence especially when acting them out to their peers. Why don’t you come up with a theme at home and see how the story develops.

Tea party in our den!

Today in the home room the children wanted to make the cosy corner into a den using blankets. They picked some blankets and used the large pegs to secure them.

This created a great comfy space for reading books and it was lovely to watch the older children reading books to our younger children. They all joined in singing Hickory Dickory Dock whilst looking at the book.

Some of the children decided to bring the babies to their den and have a tea party. They brought the cups and plates over and set up a lovely party. They invited other children to come for some tea and cake too!

“I’m having chocolate cake and my baby wants her milk!”

”I don’t like chocolate cake, I want strawberry cake!”

Some of the children then decided to dress up “fancy” for their party.

“I’ve got a big hat and a special bag!”

”I want all the pretty jewellery on me!”

What great fun we all had using our den for lots of different fun things!



Leaf Man!

Today in the garden we have enjoyed reading the book Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert.

The children loved hearing about the adventures the wind took Leaf Man on in the story.

After listening to the story the children enjoyed looking through the book and making up their own adventures!

Using the leaves and conkers we have collected on our local walks we made our very own Leaf Men. The children had great fun doing this.

“Mine has a smiley face made from conkers!”

“Look, my guy has cheeks and a tummy button!”

”Mine has a big nose sticking out!”

“The wind will blow him to space!”

“Spider-Man leaf!”  “He can to big jumps and kicks!”

“I’ve made a girl called Millie all using the conkers, she has a leaf hat!”

What great stories the children made up about their Leaf Men. The next time you see leaves blowing in the wind make sure to ask the children about their adventures!

Loose Parts Play

This week in the Discovery room we have had lots of fun exploring loose parts.

We have collected lots of different items to create our loose part trays. Using our excellent fine motor skills, we sorted our loose parts into groups of similar items.

Filling and emptying lots of different sized containers using tweezers and tongs helped us develop our fine motor skills, and develop our understanding of volume and measurement.

“This one has lots of big and small pieces”.

”It’s full. I’m emptying it out”.

It was lots of fun choosing which loose parts we would use to create our transient artwork. We have such wonderful imaginations!

“It’s a volcano with lava coming out”.

”I made a caterpillar with pom poms”.

”I made a maze. The board is the way in. That one is the way out”.

Some of us decided to choose our own loose parts to create the letters of our name.  We each drew our letter then carefully placed our loose parts along the lines.  Don’t they look fabulous!

To challenge ourselves further, we decided to make our names from our favourite loose parts.  We decided we like the pom poms, colourful matchsticks and gems the best!

There are so many fabulous things activities we can do with loose parts that help us develop a wide range of skills, our imaginations and creativity.
Loose parts can be anything from cardboard boxes, yoghurt pots, cotton reels and shells or sticks we can collect on holiday!
Why not have some fun with loose parts at home and see what you can create!