Halloween sensory play

Today we were exploring our senses and developing our motor skills in our Autumn/Halloween sensory tray. We are getting in the Halloween spirit. šŸ‘»šŸŽƒ

This is a great experience for our youngest children to get in and explore different sensations on their hands and develop their hand muscles . For our older children itā€™s a great way to develop their fine motor skills and writing skills as they can use their fingers or a tool such as a pencil, paint brush, or other item to draw, write letters, or form numbers in the sensory tray.

ā€œIā€™m drawing a pumpkin in the orange riceā€

We added some cornflakes, pasta, leaves, conkersĀ and some spooky halloween characters. We then added paintbrushes and tweezers to see what we could do with them.

ā€see I can pick the conker upā€

ā€œI can get the skeletonā€

ā€œit feels hard and crunchyā€

ā€It sounds like rain at night timeā€

The children then used the buckets as cauldrons and made their own Ā witches brew while telling spooky halloween jokes.