Tag Archives: water colours

It’s all about the Monet

We have enjoyed learning about kandinskys abstract art the last few weeks at our art provocation area.
Today we introduced a new artist and art style.  We will now be learning about Claude Monet.
Monet was a French painter who was the founder of impressionist painting.
We used our technology skills to research who Monet was and look at a picture of him.

We decided to use water colours to recreate one of his famous paintings. The water Lilly Pond that he painted in 1899.

We found a picture of the painting and we each talked about what we seen within the painting. We seen “trees,” “a bridge,” “lily  pads”

We discussed the colours that Monet used. We used our thin brushes, paint pallets and water to create our own  representation of the Water Lily Pond.

We used our colour mixing skills to make our purples and greens we needed.

We used the picture as inspiration for our art work.

We enjoyed using a variety of skills such as fine manipulative skills when controlling our paint brushes. We were communicating and sharing learning with each other.

We worked really hard to create our pictures and enjoyed sharing them with each other.

“I made mine a card”

“I used purple”

“I mixed together the colours”

“Look at mine”

I wonder what Monet painting we will look at next.