Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Summer holiday fun šŸŒž

This week the children Ā have had lots of fun building dens and making summer homes in the garden! They have loved talking to each other about their busy summer plans. The children enjoyed sharing stories with their peers about all the fun things they have been getting up to, which sparked lots of creative role playing funā€¦

ā€Iā€™ve got a beach house in Italy. We have pasta and clams there, thatā€™s my favourite. I can make you someā€

ā€œWho wants gelato? Come and get it!ā€

We have been experimenting different problem solving techniques as we create our dens, using various resources from the garden and working cooperatively with one another offering suggestions to help implement our designsā€¦

ā€œletā€™s put it through the wee hole so it doesnā€™t fall down . Look, it worked!ā€

The children showed great imagination, exploring the garden to find different cosy spots to decorate ā€¦


After being so busy decorating our little summer homes it was time for a well deserved rest!

The children demonstrated great communication skills throughout as they worked as a team to help each other, and most importantly they had fun! Keep up the great work everybody šŸ¤©šŸ‘



Wasps came into our garden !

The children have noticed that there has been wasps around our lovely sun flowers that they have grown in the nursery garden. Ā We thought that it would be good to learn a bit about them. Where do they live ?

We weā€™re lucky enough to have a real wasps nest to look at. There are lots of little holes were the babies wasps lives until they are big enough to be worker wasps. These wasps only live between 12 -22 days but the queen wasp can live up to one year.

The wasps nest is made from the wasps chewing bark in their mouths mixing this with their saliva Ā and when it becomes dry it forms a paper type material. Ā We learnt that wasps like sugary sweet foods and this is why they can fly around our food !

We watched a short film on how wasps make their nests. Wasps nest are usually found in sheltered warm places. ā€œ I have a wasps nest in my garden on the tree . We should never touch the nests or the wasps .

If a wasp šŸ comes near you we must stay still as a wasp will sting you if they think they are in danger. Only female wasps will sting you. Ā If a wasp should land on you you can flick it off gently with a piece of paper. We all had a practise but fortunately there were no wasps actually on us.

We have enjoyed finding out all our wasp information. We might even build our own wasp nest using paper mache.

Article 33 -I can be protected from danger.

Growing our apple and orange seeds today šŸ¤”

Today we decided to reuse our seeds from snack to see if we could grow our own fruitā€¦ā€¦how do we do this?
First of all we had to wet some paper towel thenā€¦

We put the seeds on the towel with plenty of wriggle roomā€¦..


We added a little cinnamon to help prevent our seeds rotting

Then we added another wet piece of paper towel put them in a zip locked bag and put them in the fridge

Weā€™ll need to keep the seeds damp and wait to see what will happenā€¦ā€¦šŸ¤”

We also tried to grow some orange pipsā€¦

We soaked the orange pips for 30mins

We placed them between 2 pieces of cotton wool with a little cinnamon, put them in an air tight bag but this timeā€¦ā€¦

We found a nice warm space in the kitchen above the oven, again weā€™ll need to make sure the pips are damp and letā€™s check on them in a couple of days Ā to see if anything has happenedā€¦ā€¦?šŸ¤”

Article 28 You have the right to education


Weā€™re Going on a Book Hunt

Today we took a trip to the library to return some books and also to choose new ones. We are focusing on rhyming in the story corner this month so we chose a book full of nursery rhymes and also a story which rhymes. While at the library, Peter read us a story about a cat and we had to help choose the catā€™s name by giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down. He ended up being called Tricky because he was tricky to name!

We also learned how to use the special machine to check in and check out books.

On the way back to nursery we decided to go through the forest to collect sticks for throwing over the bridge. We spotted a huge hole in the ground and thought maybe a bear would live in there! šŸ»

We have decided to find books about bears on our next visit to the library.

Check out the website for your local library as they are running lots of family and special events during the school holidays.

šŸ”šŸ”šŸ” What can we spy in the garden today???

Today we went into the garden with torches and magnifying glasses to see what we could find šŸ¤”

We searched down at the bottom of the gardenā€¦..I wonder what we might find???

We found a pea plant and Isla told us ā€œthe bigger the pod the bigger the pea, the smaller the pod the smaller the pea!ā€

We collected them all in a bowl.

We shelled our peas comparing the different sizes of the peas

We were very pleased with the amount of peas we found šŸ˜€

We had to be very careful and check if any of our children were allergic to green peas

Article 13 You have the right to find out things

Wild walks

Today we decided to go for a walk and one of the children suggested we go to see if the river has been flooded by the rain. As soon as we crossed over to the wooded area we noticed how much the plants had grown and we had to walk like penguins with our hands by our sides to avoid touching the jaggy nettles and thistles. We found lots of secret paths but some of them were too overgrown to get through. One of the children found a secret path to the river but we decided it would not be a good idea to follow it in case we slipped into the water!

Once we found a safe way to access the river we had a great time watching it flow over the rocks, pretending to be pirates and jumping in muddy puddles.

On the way back to nursery the children noticed an area where some one had set a fire and the ground had hardened. They told me that there is lava and magma under the ground and we decided to make some volcanoes when we got back to nursery.

We had lots of fun watching the fizzing of the Ā baking soda and vinegar reacting!

Article 13- You have the right to find out things and share what you Ā think with others.

Delicious summer salads harvested fresh from our garden šŸ˜šŸ“

Today some of the children noticed that our chard had grown ā€œI wonder what else has grown that we could pickā€

ā€œLook the peas have grown big, Letā€™s pick some, I bet they taste goodā€ ā€œ I know we could make a salad, letā€™s see what else we could put in itā€

ā€œ Look thereā€™s a big red strawberry it looks ready letā€™s pick it, but thereā€™s only one readyā€ ā€œ we could cut it into four, and have a piece eachā€

ā€œLook I think the cauliflower looks ready, itā€™s to hard to pull it out myself can you help me ? ā€œ Yeah sureā€ 1,2,3, pull.ā€

ā€œyeah we did itā€

ā€ We could have carrots in our saladā€ ā€œ My Mum has a sauce on her salad it makes it taste betterā€ ā€œIā€™m going to make a dressing ā€œ ā€œ Iā€™m using lemon juice and oilā€


ā€œIā€™m cutting up the carrots small for our saladā€ ā€œthey are a bit dirty, I need to wash themā€

ā€œI think the dressing tastes lovely ā€œ ā€œMy favourite is the cauliflower, I could just eat it all dayā€ ā€œ Peas, peas are my favourite they are sooooo sweetā€

Well done children great team work glad you enjoyed your home grown saladšŸ¤© I wonder what we could plant next?




Cart Mill Sports Day!

The children had so much fun today exploring the different stations of our sports day event. We had to listen really well and follow the instructions as we moved around each of the stations & at the end we had the famous Cart Mill water slide!

Here is some pictures.. enjoy!

We had a running race.. we can go so fast!

The sack race..

Hurdle jumping…

Egg and spoon race

and the famous water slide…

As you can understand it is super difficult to post all of the pictures on the blog.. We will have them on the tv screen in the reception area for you to have a look at at pick up or drop off time!

How do we make paint move?

Today we have been combining gross motor art with science to learn how to make paint move without using a brush.

ā€œWe can pour it.ā€ ā€œIt needs to be high up.ā€

The children had some great ideas so got straight to work! We mixed up the paint and found some pipes to roll it down. One of the children noticed his pipe was sitting further out so he was sure his paint would go further.

The blue paint went further than the yellow! On examination we found the yellow paint was thicker than the blue so we then tried adding more water to the paint. It went much further than the first attempt!

The next pair decided to experiment with altering the height of the pipes to see if that would make the paint travel further.

ā€œIā€™m putting it on the highest one!ā€

We found that the paint travelled faster down the pipe when it was higher and it did make it go further.

The next challenge was to direct the paint on to the paper to create a long distance artwork. We had to use all of the prior learning to make sure we mixed the paint to the right consistency, we had to make sure the pipes were at the right height and we had to aim in the right direction. Very tricky!

The children all enjoyed predicting what would happen each time we changed a variable and then testing the theory. A beautiful crossover of science and art!

Article 29- you have the right to education which tries to develop your personality and abilities as much as possible.


The children have really loved followingĀ the journey of our nursery butterflies. They have now hatched and will soon be ready to be released. Today in the garden we were looking again at the life cycle of the butterfly.

The children are now very familiar with butterflies and wanted to make their own. We decided to use our loose partsĀ for our creations.

We discussed the parts of a butterfly and decided to use the pipe cleaners as the bodies! The children then used all the different materials to design their own butterflies!.

ā€œBoth wings need to match!ā€

ā€I want my butterfly as a pet!ā€

ā€Mine has lots of colours,ā€

I think you will agree that our finished butterflies are fantastic!

It got so hot in the garden today that we came in to cool down and we watched ā€˜The Hungry Caterpillarā€™ story with ice poles!! They were yummy in this heat!

Article 31 – you have the right to play and rest.