All posts by Mrs Miles

The water cycle 🌦

This morning the children have enjoyed revisiting the ice gardens that they made last week. They could see the different layers within the ice and noticed that the ice was starting to melt in the sun.
“The sun is hot today.”
”The ice is melting!”
We discussed the different properties of water and this led to a discussion about where water comes from. I explained to the children that all the water on our planet continuously moves in a cycle. The sun dries up the rain and sends the vapour up to the sky where the cold air turns it in to clouds. Then once the clouds are full the water comes back to earth as rain.
We then created our own rain clouds.

We used shaving foam to represent the clouds then dropped food colouring on top to represent the rain. This is a great visual for the children to see the cloud filling up before it starts to rain. The children then  experimented with adding more drops and also used different colours to see what would happen.

“It’s raining!”
“It looks like an explosion!”

“I mixed them together and now it looks like coffee.”
”Look, the orange is falling!”

The children had a great time taking part in our science experiment to learn about the water cycle. I’m sure we will be repeating this experience again in the near future.
Why don’t you try this with your budding scientists at home and share your experience on our twitter page @cartmillcentre

Balancing skills

This morning in the garden we have been working on our balancing skills. We used loose parts to create our Muddy Movers course which helps us strengthen and improve our gross motor skills. We are becoming very confident in our balancing skills, so we decided it was time to make the course a little more challenging! We had a look in our cupboard and found some bean bags and some egg and spoons! We decided to challenge ourselves and see if we could balance the beanbags on our heads and the egg on the spoon as we walked around the course.

We started by discussing what it means to be balanced;

“It means you don’t wobble.”

“You need to practice.”

”You put your hands out to help.”

The course is designed in a way that helps us to assess our own risk and abilities.

We like to use our loose parts to make changes to our course every day. We can choose to walk along the plank on the ground or if we are feeling confident, we can step up and walk along the bridge.

By keeping a beanbag on our heads, this encourages us to keep our heads up, or the beanbag will fall off! This helps us improve our balancing skills.

We had to walk really carefully to make sure the egg didn’t fall off the spoon!

We demonstrated excellent balancing today! We were getting faster and more confident each time we competed the course.

We had so much fun!

There’s no stopping us….

It may have been freezing rain, intermittent hail stones and blowing a hoolie but the children at Cart Mill weren’t going to let that stop them playing outdoors!

We started by having a chat about how to keep warm while playing outdoors and discussed what games we would like to play. The children asked to play banana tig and toilet tig.

If the tigger catches you in banana tig you have to put your hands above your head like a banana skin and you cannot move until a friend ‘peels’ the banana.

If the tigger catches you during toilet tig you have to stand with your arm out and cannot move until a friend ‘ flushes’ the toilet.

These types of games encourage turn taking and co-operation between the children.

The children then asked to play hide and seek and got very creative with their hiding places!

We had a great time keeping ourselves active during Storm Dudley.

Kung Hey Fat Choi

Today at Cart Mil we have been celebrating Lunar New Year 2022 by participating in various activities both indoors and outdoors! 2022 is the year of the tiger. We discussed the features of a tiger then decided to look for stripes while out for a walk. Look at all the stripes we found….

We also enjoyed having a race through the woods and a play in the spider park on the way back to nursery.

For snack today we sampled different foods that might be eaten during Lunar New Year celebrations.

We enjoyed tasting noodles, rice and lychees!

In the Home room we decided to make our own fortune cookies which were delicious!

We decided to make our playdough the same colours as a tiger and had lots of fun creating our own Lunar New Year tigers!

In the Discovery room we used our interactive board to research  the history of Lunar New Year.

We used our creativity and imagination in the Studio today to make celebration ribbons and streamers. We then used them to recreate our own Lunar New Year celebration dance.

We have had so much fun celebrating and learning the history of Lunar New Year.

Kung Hey Fat Choi!



Big Garden Birdwatch

This morning the boys and girls have taken part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2022. We started by trying to invite the birds in to the garden. Helen and the children discussed what birds might use to create their nests and filled the whisks with a variety of these items and also some seeds.

“They like fluff.”

We looked at pictures of the most common garden birds and learned the names of them and also some of their features. Then we created a chart to record which birds we saw and how many of each type.

“I like robins.”
“I see blackbirds in my granny’s garden.”

We used the binoculars to look for birds and then marked which ones we saw on the chart.

“I saw two and two blackbirds, that makes four!”

The children even drew pictures of their favourite birds. Look at this lovely starling!

The Big Garden Birdwatch runs from the 28-30th January, you can find more details on the RSPB website. Why not take part and share your findings with us on Twitter. Have a nice weekend 🦜

Clydebuilt Puppet Theatre

On Wednesday we had a visit from Clydebuilt  Puppet Theatre. They told us three cautionary tales- The Ungrateful Crocodile which taught us to be kind to others who are kind to us, The Forgotten Treasure which is about being grateful for what you have and a good old favourite Red Riding Hood- The Wolf’s Story.

The children absolutely loved watching the show! There were lots of oohs and aahs and plenty of giggles too. Thank you so much to Steve and Leigh for the wonderful performances.

What’s the time Mr Wolf?

During this term we are investigating time as part of our numeracy planning. This morning we looked at our clock and discussed what we know about time, clocks and why we need them.

“It’s a circle.”- C

”It’s to put the numbers up.”- E

”It’s for play time and home time.”- L

”It’s for lunch time.”- R


Then we made our own clocks. We drew round a circle, made a great  attempt at writing all the numbers and then we discussed the hands of the clock.

Once we finished making our clocks we used them to play the game What’s the time Mr Wolf?

The wolf turned the hand to show which number they were calling out and, even though it was pouring rain, we all had great fun taking turns of being the Wolf.

Cart Mill’s Creepy Cabin

The children have had great fun this week working together to create a spooktacular creepy cabin.

We started on Tuesday by making spiders using pine cones and pipe cleaners. The children used their fine motor skills to cut the pipe cleaners and also to slot them into the pine cones, great work guys!

On Wednesday the boys and girls designed their own spooky pumpkin face using a variety of 2D shapes. The final result looks fantastic and very spooky!

Thursday involved making leaf ghosts. The children had fun painting the leaves and chatting about whether they were making happy, angry or scary ghosts.

Today we made witches hats and draw a variety of Halloween images on the points of them.

And here is Cart Mill’s Creepy Cabin! A collaboration of many fantastic pieces of work. Our spooky pumpkin in the corner, spiders, ghosts and witches hats hanging all around and even some broomsticks in the corner.
Absolutely fantastic work from all the boys and girls, well done!

Can you make a spooky pumpkin?

We have been learning about shapes in nursery and put this learning to use today to make a spooky pumpkin. We started by painting a pumpkin using chalk paint then discussed what shapes we could use to make a spooky face.

How it started….

“He needs a long nose.”

“We can use different shapes for each eye.”

“I used a circle and a triangle.”

“I’m making a monster pumpkin.”

…the finished article.

The children decided to make one eye a circle and one a rectangle then also drew a triangle inside the rectangle to make it even spookier! They made a zig zag mouth using triangles and also gave the pumpkin some curly hair. What a brilliantly spooky pumpkin, great team work everyone!

Patterns in the sand

This morning we have been creating patterns in the sand trays. The children have used the pattern stones to print a pattern and have also been using sticks or their fingers to trace the pattern. Some of the children even started creating their own. We have enjoyed discussing the different shapes within the patterns and what we think they look like.

“They’re squares.”

“It’s a 1, 1, 1, 1.”

“It’s my name.”

“I think it’s curly.”

“I’ve got stripes. “