Flash Card Fun 🤩👍

Today the children have enjoyed exploring their numeracy and literacy skills in nursery.  They showed excellent shape recognition, which they highlighted through some fun numeracy games…

“Triangles got 3 sides. Look, 1 2 3!”


Some  children enjoyed sorting them into groups, finding all the matching shapes and some even noticed a pattern…

“There’s only 3 pentagons. We need to find another one!”

Some of our children had lots of fun exploring the letter flash cards,  and could even identify familiar letters to spell out their names..

Some children used the pictures as context clues if they were unfamiliar with the letters, trying to guess what it said. “I for igloo. That’s in my name!”

The children have enjoyed developing their numeracy and literacy skills through these flash card games, and had lots of fun looking at all the funny pictures on the cards too. Maybe next time we can make our very own flash cards!

Keep up the great work everybody 🤩👍


Brilliant Building

Today in the block area, we have been using our curiosity, problem solving skills and imagination to create different models and explore our small world toys within the block area.

”Lets build a rollercoaster”

”it can be a house too”

”we have to build it big”

The children used their imaginations to work out design criteria and take turns to work together to construct their model. The children decided they were building a ”rollercoaster house” which had lots of different features such as lights and speakers! So cool!!

Some of the other children decided to explore our new small world loose part toys in the block area.

We explored role play with the dinosaurs and people figures creating our own small world stories. There was volcanos, mountains and lava!! Block play helps children to take turns and share different materials, develop new friendships and socialisation skills and co-operate with others.