Tea party in our den!

Today in the home room the children wanted to make the cosy corner into a den using blankets. They picked some blankets and used the large pegs to secure them.

This created a great comfy space for reading books and it was lovely to watch the older children reading books to our younger children. They all joined in singing Hickory Dickory Dock whilst looking at the book.

Some of the children decided to bring the babies to their den and have a tea party. They brought the cups and plates over and set up a lovely party. They invited other children to come for some tea and cake too!

“I’m having chocolate cake and my baby wants her milk!”

”I don’t like chocolate cake, I want strawberry cake!”

Some of the children then decided to dress up “fancy” for their party.

“I’ve got a big hat and a special bag!”

”I want all the pretty jewellery on me!”

What great fun we all had using our den for lots of different fun things!



What can you create?

Today in the discovery room the children have shown an interest in our loose parts area. Some of the children were talking about the fireworks they seen at the weekend with their family for guy fawks night, so they created their own fireworks.

“It goes poooooof”

”So noisy I had to cover my ears”

“So high in the sky”

”Lots of colours”

“I’ve made a rainbow with lots of colours and fireworks under it”

Some of the other children made funny faces and little houses.

“My face is funny”

”My face is excited”

“I’ve made lots of houses, they are all different colours”