We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by adding a visual element to navigation.
Category Archives: How To
Glow Blogs Start of Session FAQ 2024
A few quick tips that might help at the start of this new session.
Forgotten username or password
Your RM Unify Admin, who may be in your establishment or Local Authority will be able to help.
I need to access a blog where I do not have a role. For example you have moved school.
An Admin of the blog should be able to add you. Adding Users, Setting Roles | Glow Blog Help
No one in school can access a blog (perhaps staff have moved or retired)
You need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with the RM help desk.
Make sure you include the usernames you want added to a blog and the URL of the blog.
I can log on to Glow but I can’t access a blog where I have a role.
If you have just be added to the blog, get an admin for the blog check you have been added in the right way. If you are showing as NOT LOGGED IN YET, see this FAQ. If that doesn’t help you need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with the RM help desk.
Make sure you include your username and the URL of the blog.
I can’t work out how to…
- Search the help blog
- Check the FAQ
- Use the contact form to get personal help.
- Leave a comment on one of the pages if you think that is appropriate.
- email gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk
New to Glow Blogs
News from the last year on Glow Blogs:
- Glow Blogs Webinar
- Glow Blogs Tutorial: Simple Links Site
- Glow Blogs New “New Site” Functionality
- H5P in Glow Blogs – News
- Glow Blogs Twitter Changes
- Glow Blogs Updated 1 Feb 2024
- Glow Blogs Update: More Blocks & More
- Forms in the Block Editor
- Add Users & Bulk Create blog problem
- Block Editor List Block problem – Fixed
Block Editor
The Blocks Editor is a new way to edit posts and pages. It allows a lot more flexibility as to content and layout. We have a blog that explains more: Using the Blocks Editor in Glow Blogs.
Site Editor
The site editor is a new way to edit the look and design of your site. It goes much further than changing themes. More improvements should come to Glow Blogs in the session, when we wil provide more information.
Accessibility they are new ways to make you sites accessibly to different visitors. Accessibility is becoming even more important in web design and should be considered for all public blogs.
H5P is a plugin that allows you to create & display on your site a whole range of interactive content, from quizzes, multi-choice and close exercises all the way to 360 tours. H5p examples
Extra help
We have developed a few more help sites in addition to the main Glow Blogs help. Here is a list of other help sites on Glow Blogs.
Coming Soon…
We hope to have more help material and tutorials up very soon. These may be accompanied by some help sessions online.
As always ideas and suggestions for improving Glow Blogs and the support are very welcome.
Digital Tidy Up of Glow Blogs
Glow Connect has some advice on Back to School Glow Housekeeping including advice on doing a Digital Tidy Up of Glow Blogs.
Glow Blogs Start of Session FAQ 2022
A few quick tips that might help at the start of this new session.
Forgotten username or password
Your RM Unify Admin, who may be in your establishment or Local Authority will be able to help.
I need to access a blog where I do not have a role. For example you have moved school.
An Admin of the blog should be able to add you. Adding Users, Setting Roles | Glow Blog Help
No one in school can access a blog (perhaps staff have moved or retired)
You need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with theRM help desk.
Make sure you include the usernames you want added to a blog and the URL of the blog.
I can log on to Glow but I can’t access a blog where I have a role.
If you have just be added to the blog, get an admin for the blog check you have been added in the right way. If you are showing as Pending, see this FAQ. If that doesn’t help you need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with the RM help desk.
Make sure you include your username and the URL of the blog.
I can’t work out how to…
- Search the help blog
- Check the FAQ
- Use the contact form to get personal help.
- Leave a comment on one of the pages if you think that is appropriate.
- email gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk
New to Glow Blogs
If you have not used blogs for a while or not kept up with the help blog a lot of new features have been added for example:
Accessibility they are new ways to make you sites accessibly to different visitors.
The Blocks Editor is a new way to edit posts and pages. It allows a lot more flexibility as to content and layout. We have a blog that explains more: Using the Blocks Editor in Glow Blogs.
H5P is a plugin that allows you to create & display on your site a whole range of interactive content, from quizzes, multi-choice and close exercises all the way to 360 tours. H5p examples
Extra help
WE have developed a few more help sites in addition to the main Glow Blogs help. Here is a list of other help sites on Glow Blogs.
Glow Blogs Start of Session FAQ
A few quick tips that might help at the start of this new session.
Forgotten username or password
Your RM Unify Admin, who may be in your establishment or Local Authority will be able to help.
I need to access a blog where I do not have a role. For example you have moved school.
An Admin of the blog should be able to add you. Adding Users, Setting Roles | Glow Blog Help
No one in school can access a blog (perhaps staff have moved or retired)
You need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with theRM help desk.
Make sure you include the usernames you want added to a blog and the URL of the blog.
I can log on to Glow but I can’t access a blog where I have a role.
You need to get your Local Authority to raise a call with theRM help desk.
Make sure you include your username and the URL of the blog.
I can’t work out how to…
- Search the help blog
- Check the FAQ
- Use the contact form to get personal help.
- Leave a comment on one of the pages if you think that is appropriate.
- Chek the Yammer Group Yammer : Glow Blogs – Community Support Group
- email gw09johnstonjohn4@glowmail.org.uk
Featured image HELP | Alan Levine | Flickr Some rights reserved
Let it Snow on Your #GlowBlog
This is no longer included in Jetpack.
If you have the jetpack plugin Activated there is a setting to add snow to your blog in December.