Profile Tags are added to e-Portfolio posts to help create the profile.
You can only have one Profile Tags per post.
To add a Profile Tags to a post: Create the post in the usual way, highlight the appropriate radio button , publish the post. You can edit the post and change or remove the Profile Tags at any time.
As of October 2016 Profile tags appear on the bottom of each post and can be displayed in the tag widget.

e-Portfolios come with a set of 24 pre-created profile tags, 11 of which are ‘enabled’ and can be used. Other tags can be created on a blog by blog basis.
enabling and creation of tags is done on the dashboard; Choose Posts and then Profile Tags from the left hand bar.
11 pre enabled Profile Tags
Expressive arts
Health and wellbeing
Language and Literacy
Learner statement
Mathematics and Numeracy
My Achievements and Awards
Religious and moral education
Skills for Lifelong Learning and Work
Social studies
All 24 pre created Profile Tags
Confident Individual
Digital Technologies
Effective Contributor
Expressive arts
Future Goals
Health and wellbeing
Interests and Hobbies
Language and Literacy
Learner statement
Literacy and Gaelic
Mathematics and Numeracy
Me as a Learner
Modern Languages
My Achievements and Awards
Outdoor Learning
Religious and moral education
Responsible Citizen
Scots Language
Skills for Lifelong Learning and Work
Social studies
Successful Learner