About this site

This site will give you ideas of how the features of Glow Blogs are used for different purposes.

Technical help for using the features of Glow Blogs can be found on the Help Site.

This site is divided into sections covering: Types of Site, Concepts and Techniques.

Types of Site



Site Editing

In June 2023 we updated the version of WordPress and included 2 new themes: Twenty Twenty-two and Twenty Twenty-three. These are themes that support Site Editing. This means these themes are a lot more customisable than standard WordPress themes. Twenty Twenty-Two is the first-ever default block theme Twenty Twenty-Three includes… Read more


HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)… Wikipedia. It is the code behind whatever you see on a website. You may use html in the post… Read more


CSS or cascading stylesheets is a method of changing the presentation of web content. Glows already use css. You can add your own via the Jetpack css module. We have some information on getting started with css on our jetpack blog. Here are some examples and help on using CSS… Read more

Draw Attention

The Draw Attention Plugin is a way to provide interactive images. You can set parts of an image to display more information or link to other places. We have a blog showing some examples and giving more information. You can find out about installing and using it on the Help Blog… Read more

Display Posts

The Display Posts Shortcode allows users to easily display listings of posts. This allows you to create sets of navigation links on your site easily. Note: the Make theme has a similar function built into its page builder template. With the blocks editor you can use the Query Loop block. Display Posts Shortcode can be more flexible but more complex to style than these other options..
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h5P icon


The H5P Plugin allows you to create all sorts of interactive activities directly in your blog. you can create quizzes, drag and drop activities, crosswords, cloze procedures, interactive videos, 360 tours and lots more. We have a blog with some examples and ways to get started. Examples – H5p examples Read more


Aggregation is the bringing together of content to your blog automatically. This can be as simple as using a widget to bring in tweets or lists posts from another site in a widget. There is informantion on the Twitter Widget and RSS Widget on Glow Blog Help. A few example… Read more