๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿง๐Ÿ˜Ž Cool Fridays ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿง๐Ÿฆ


After a long hot week we cooled off today with some tasty treats!

We talked together about different ways we cooled ourselves down when the weather was reallyย warm and made usย feel really hot!
There were so many great ideas!

โ€œI play water fightsโ€

โ€œI drink lots of waterโ€

โ€œI use sun cream and I wear a hatโ€

โ€œI eat ice cream and ice polesโ€

โ€My favourite is to eat ice lolliesโ€

We all agreed that one of the best ways to cool down was to eat ice cream or ice lollies! This gave us an idea… to make our own ice cream shop where we could sell all sorts of ice creams, ice lollies, milk shakes and ice poles.

We used a selection of craft materials to make our icy treats and our ice cream shop.

We then each took turnsย to be the shop keeper or be the customer.
Which cool treat would be your favourite?
โ€I like a strawberry cone and sauceโ€

โ€mmmmm mint choc chip is the bestโ€

โ€œI like to lick the ice lolliesโ€

To finish our day we made it real – we had some icy treats at snack time! What a great way to end our hot and busy week, before the rain came! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hopefully Mr Sun will be back soon! ๐ŸŒž
