Super Science!

This morning in the Discovery room the boys and girls took part in a science experiment. This experience was to introduce the children to the mathematical concept of volume. Within this experience some children practised their measuring skills, while others were encouraged to share  their knowledge of primary colours and what happens when you mix colours together.

Some of the children have been exploring 3D shapes  and shared their knowledge by discussing what 3D shapes the containers represented.

The children listened carefully to instructions while we explained that 500mls of coloured water would be added to every container on the water tray. The children then had to decide if they thought the container had enough space inside to hold the volume of water we were going to be pouring in.

Great fun and giggles was had watching the smaller containers over flow with the coloured liquid.

Lastly,  we mixed the coloured waters together to see what would happen and guess what colours would appear.  Why don’t you try the volume experiment at home?

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