Tag Archives: small world

Life cycle of frogs 🐸

This week at Cart mill we have been reading the book “The teeny Weeny tadpole”. This got us discussing the life cycle of frogs.

The life cycle of frogs is a super interesting part of life. Our children have been so fascinated with the four different stages of the metamorphosis process.

We have been learning that the frog goes though four different stages of life. Starting with the female frog laying eggs. Once the egg hatches, the tadpole is born with a tail.  As the tadpole increases in size it begins to grow legs and arms and soon becomes a froglet. The last stage is when the froglet grows into and adult frog and no longer has a tail.

“This tadpoles has legs”

“mine has arms and legs it’s a froglet”

Though the small world play in our water tray the children have been exploring the different stages of life and the environment frogs live in. We started off by making the frogspawn which we added to the water with plants, pebbles, logs, flowers, frogs, tadpoles, froglets and other insects we would find living in and about a pond. The children have been so engaged in their play, discovering the tadpoles and froglets in the water. They have enjoyed comparing the different stages, putting them into order, building a habitat in and out of the water, lining up the frogs, creating frog family’s, splashing them into the water and most of all sharing their new found knowledge about the frogs life cycle.

We have also been very lucky to have a friend with a pond who has brought in some of their tadpoles for us to get a up close look. The tadpoles are around 5 weeks old and have started growing legs.

The children have been very curious about the tadpoles and have been asking lot of different questions.

“Where did they come from?”

“Are they real tadpoles?”

“When will they be frogs?”

Some of the children have also been busy coming up with some names.  So far we have Stormy, Bob, Keekey, Tommy, Boo-boo, Tingy, and Lady.

We hope the tadpoles come and visit again so so that we can see the change in them.🐸

Discovering Antarctica

It might feel like Antarctica outside this week but in the studio we have been exploring how cold it really is.

This stared with the children discovered some polystyrene in the junk area. We started breaking and cutting it up and soon discovered it looked like snow.

“Ice can crack”

The children started to discuss different animals that like snow conditions. We introduced the artic animals into the play. This sparked more discussion about the different animal.

”Penguins can’t fly”

”Penguins are very good swimmers “

“Penguins can go on the ice”

“I’ve made a home for the penguin”

“All this snow is sticking to my hands”

While watching some beautiful images of Antarctica on the screen we started to create our very own Antarctica.

We watched a short video and discovered that the South Pole is the coldest place on earth. Antarctica is almost entirely covered by ice. It’s the only continent where human don’t live, it’s so cold. Only a few animal can survive the harsh conditions.

As well as being fun Small world play also provides the children time to explore different materials, act out real life scenarios, practice social skills and gain an understanding of the world.

Article 13

You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing  or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.



We are all unique

Today, the children showed a great interest in various stories in the noisy/quiet room.

The stories were about different families and how our families are all unique.

We read some of the stories and then discussed our own families. The children were keen to share what they knew about their own families.

“My family is mummy and daddy and me”

“I have my baby and mummy”

”granny and grandpa and mummy and me and dad”

We used the small world characters to recreate our own families.

We will be looking at all kinds of families in the next couple of weeks and using the small world area to learn about equality and diversity.

This week in the noisy/quiet room

Following on from recent interests, this week in the noisy quiet room the children have enjoyed exploring the farm animals in the small world area.

The children have been using their imagination and role play skills to create their own stories and play using the small world equipment.

”its Old MacDonald’s farm, there is sheep and pigs and cows”

”There is little cows and big cows, small goats too”

”My favourite animal is the pig”

The children have also recently enjoyed building with our wooden train track and talking about all the different places you could go on a train…


”You could go to the shops or to a restaurant”

”I go on holidays”

”Trains go so fast”

Small world play is a great way for children to explore their imagination and develop their role play skills. It could represent a real life place like a farm or it could be a completely imaginary world.


Why don’t you try some small world play at home?