Tag Archives: pumpkin

Can you make a spooky pumpkin?

We have been learning about shapes in nursery and put this learning to use today to make a spooky pumpkin. We started by painting a pumpkin using chalk paint then discussed what shapes we could use to make a spooky face.

How it started….

“He needs a long nose.”

“We can use different shapes for each eye.”

“I used a circle and a triangle.”

“I’m making a monster pumpkin.”

…the finished article.

The children decided to make one eye a circle and one a rectangle then also drew a triangle inside the rectangle to make it even spookier! They made a zig zag mouth using triangles and also gave the pumpkin some curly hair. What a brilliantly spooky pumpkin, great team work everyone!

Pumpkin Playdough!

Today, the boys and girls have been discussing Halloween and the things associated with it.
We had a look at some pumpkins online and some we had at Cart Mill. We discussed the different shapes and colours.

After discussing the pumpkins, the children decided they wanted to make their own pumpkins,  so we thought we would make some orange pumpkin playdough!

We even added in some cinnamon!

Once the playdough was made, it was time to create our own pumpkins…