Today the children enjoyed expressing themselves musically using rhythm sticks and their bodies.
They were able to tap their sticks to the beat softly, quietly, loudly, up high and down low.
We decided which of our favourite songs and rhymes we would like to sing together and tapped our sticks to the beat of the rhyme.
“ I want to sing 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive”
“Let’s sing the wheels on the bus with our sticks”
The children asked if they could tap their sticks to music on the promethean board. We listened to some different music and chose Beethoven’s 5th symphony. We listened really carefully to see what instruments we could hear.
“I can hear the violin ”
“I can tap my sticks to the drum”
We then tapped our sticks in time to the music.
We decided to play a game called guess who tapped. The children were able to listen to where the sound was coming from.
“I think I know who it was!”
“That was fun”
Well done boys and girls.