Tag Archives: Measurement and baking

Our own Rhubarb Scones

Today we have picked our own rhubarb from the garden to use in our scones . We could easily spot the rhubarb in the garden because it has very big green leaves.  When the rhubarb is ready to use we discovered that you can easily pull it out the ground.

We then prepared the rhubarb . The children listened to some safety rules before using knives to cut it into smaller pieces. We then washed it clean and added a little sugar before stewing it in the microwave. Don’t touch the bowl now as it is very hot !

We put the rhubarb aside to cool. “Smells yummy”.  As the children are now very good at making scones they were able to prepare the scone mix themselves ready to add the rhubarb. We cut out the scones using our circular cutter (sometimes it’s flower shaped) today . It’s a bit sticky so we knew that the mixture need some more flour.

The scones were now ready for the oven.

The children have really enjoyed watching the rhubarb grow in the garden then being able to pick this themselves and use in our scone recipe. This is a great way to see where and how foods get from the garden to our table. We are looking forward to discovering some more recipes using our home grown fruits.

How measurement can help us !

Today in our baking area we decided to investigate how measurement helps us with our recipes. We had a look at our measuring cups . They were all different sizes so firstly we put them in a line biggest to smallest. We discovered that the biggest cup can hold lots of smaller ones.
We counted as we filled up the bowls with water. “Oh this is getting heavy” . “This bowl is full now” . “We cannot pour it back into a smaller bowl now as it will spill”. “I think it sounds like a waterfall when it goes over the sides “.

We then has a look at our scales and how we use them. We filled different sizes of cups and put them on the scales. We discovered the bigger the cup the higher number on the scale.

“Look mine is lots of numbers !”  We had a look at our recipes and matched the cups to the quantity we would require.

We had lots of fun with the flour creating shapes using the cups and bowls. The girls and boys were very creative making hand prints and creating shapes.

“ look I made a diamond”

We made different size spheres using the measuring cups. We enjoyed a little bit of a “snow storm”  and then a bit of clearing up, which all the boys and girls helped with.

Well done everyone!