Tag Archives: gross motor skills

Super Sports Day!

Today was Sports Day here at Cart Mill! Excitement has been building over the last couple of weeks and we have all been practicing our favourite races!

It was very exciting to arrive at our sports area and see all our races set up by Chris, our Active Schools Co-ordinator.  Off we set to our first race.  After a quick run down of what we needed to do it was time to ready, steady, GO!!!

We ran and jumped over the hurdles and then ran back to the start to see who could finish first! It was so much fun that our families wanted to join in too! (Well done mums!)

Next up was our obstacle course.  We had to run up to the hula hoop, hop or star jump and then see if we could walk balancing a beanbag on our heads! It was a wee bit tricky but we took our time and demonstrated some fabulous balancing skills!

It was time for our flat race next! Some of us were a wee bit excited and forgot to wait for the ready, steady Go.  With a bit of practice, we soon got the hang of it! Who do you think was fastest!

Our final race was the egg and spoon race.  We are very imaginative here at Cart Mill, so we decided to have our own version, the tangerine and spoon race!

Of course what better way to round up sports day than  our super duper water slide!

It was so much fun to take turns sliding super fast down our slide.  We discovered if Val gave us a wee helping hand, we went even faster! And more bubbles appeared the faster we went (there’s definitely a science experiment in there somewhere!).
After all the fun it was time to head back inside for a quick change, ice pole and to receive our certificates.  We truly are sporting super stars!

A huge thank you to staff, Chris from Active Schools and to our fabulous families and children for making it such a memorable event.

Article 31 – the right to engage in play and recreational activities.

Outdoor Fun

So far this month we have had great fun outdoors where we have been developing our gross motor skills.  We have done this through various activities from running in an empty garden, designing an obstacle course, to practicing our hopping and ball throwing and catching skills.

“I’m the winner!”

“Look I can do it!”

Using our creative imaginations, we turned our stage into a pirate ship!  It was so much fun drawing our own treasure maps and using them to go on an adventure to find the treasure. “X marks the spot!”  We climbed the mountain, crawled through the cave, balanced on the bridge, avoiding the shark invested waters below, to find the treasure.

“Shiver me timbers!”

As it’s nearly time for sports day we have been practicing running, balancing, waiting patiently for our turn, sharing equipment and cheering each other on!

Article 29 – I have the right to an education that develops my personality.

Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play.

Gladiators Ready 💪

The children have been talking about watching gladiators in nursery with some very enthusiastic chat about which gladiator is their favourite. Viper is definitely not popular; “He breaks all the rules!”

We decided to create our very own Eliminator course in the garden….

The children are encouraged at each stage to assess their own risk and make sure they feel safe taking part. They were given three options and it is up to them to take the option the they are most comfortable with.

Many of the children started on the lower beam but as they gained confidence progressed to the high beam and were really proud of their achievement!

Some of the children decided to play a round of power ball. This is the game where the contenders have to get past the gladiators to put the ball in the basket. The children were great at taking turns of being the contender or the gladiator, brilliant cooperative play!

“Contenders, ready? Gladiators ready? 3,2,1, go!”

“I’m going to be Giant.”  “I’m going to be Nitro.”

Who is your favourite gladiator?


UNCRC Article 31- You have the right to play by doing things like sports and drama.



Today we were Celebrating Burns day at Cart Mill family centre 😁

Here are some of our Burns day activities. We enjoyed Vegetarian haggis neeps and tatties for our snack and asked the children what they thought of it thumbs up or thumbs down I’m pleased to say the majority of the children liked it.

” The haggis is a bit spicy, but I like it”

“ can I have some more , it’s so good”

“I don’t like it, it’s to bitty”

” The turnip is my favourite it’s a nice yellow colour “

We also enjoyed painting using a big box and cars to move the paint around to look like tartan.   The box was quite heavy and the children had to get it into the correct angle to move the cars. “ My car is super fast” “ Im making the green tartan”

After lunch the children decided they would like to try some highland dancing. They were twirling jumping and dancing in time to the Scottish music.

Puddle Play!

For most children puddles have a magnetic effect! Today in the garden the children were delighted to find so many big puddles had appeared after all the rain. They were desperate to get their wellies on and start jumping! We wanted to see who could splash the most water out of the puddles!

We used one of the crates to jump off to see if that created a bigger splash! The children very cleverly observed that the higher they jumped from, the bigger the splash!

”Wow, that was big, I got more wet!”

After all their jumping, the children decided to roll the tyres through the puddles to see if they made big splashes.

“1, 2, 3 Push!!!”

I asked the children if they could see anything else in the garden that could make a splash in the puddles! They found the football and had great fun kicking it and throwing it to make big splashes!

The children found a puddle in our big tray and decided to throw the ball to each other across the tray! This created big splashes which caused great hilarity when they got their faces splashed!

“Ah, it’s very cold on my face!”

“When  life gives you a rainy day, play in the puddles!”

Article 31 ~ You have the right to play

Fun Day Friday!

As it was such a lovely sunny morning this morning we decided to take a walk over to the Spider Park… the children were so excited!!

There was lots of smiles as we played with our friends and had lots of fun on the equipment in the park. The children explored different ways to move their bodies whilst developing their gross motor skills and most importantly…having so much fun!


The children showed great confidence climbing up the ladders and getting to the top of the slide showing good use of their problem solving skills and risk assessment skills.

C, N & L all demonstrated how well they could balance by walking across the wooden beam in the park. A even showed us a different way of moving our body across the beam by crawling across it on his knees… well done!!

N – ”my favourite was the big swing that we could all fit on”

L – ”it went so high up”

R – ”I liked going round and round on the roundabout, it made me dizzy”



Let’s get painting!

Today in the studio a group of our children selected materials to paint. They choose rollers and a selection of different coloured paints. They displayed good understanding of the rules in the studio and put on aprons before they began to make their creations.

Using different rollers they created different patterns. Below are some pictures and comments from the children. 

“It’s a zig zag”

“It’s got lots of dots”

“I wavy like the beach”


We then added in paint brushes and let the children explore their fine and gross motor skills to create their masterpiece.

Article 28
You have the right to education.

Tremendous Truck🚍 painting 😁

Today in the gross motor painting area the children self selected the trucks to paint  on the shower curtain  .“ I think we need some yellow paint “ “ I chose green paint, it’s a lovely colour. I don’t have any green cars at home just two grey ones “

“I’m mixing green and yellow, it’s turning blue” “ My car is painting fast” “ My cars tyres are painting yellow” “ look I’m making a circle shape with my truck”” My truck is going forwards and backwards , it’s making tracks”

The children are developing their gross motor skills, hand eye coordination as well as learning about colour mixing.
The children were happy with the end result of their art work. Well done everyone your art work looks amazing 🤩

Today in the discovery room we were mostly building bridges😁

The children decided they would like to learn a little about all of the different types of bridges. We used the Promethean board to research them and printed some pictures of famous bridges to use as inspiration to build our own.
We worked well together to create our bridge. “Look this block is the same shape as the bridge” “We are building  London Bridge”  
🎶 London bridge is falling down falling down falling down my fair lady 🎶

“ Let’s use this blue material for the water”

“ can we have some music to have a party on our bridge “

”My bridge is for monster trucks “

“ I need to use two smaller blocks to make up the size of the bigger ones because there are none left” Great problem solving!

”My bridge lights up when it’s dark” “ It even has handles to stop you falling over into the water”

“Pizza delivery for the party on the bridge “  
The children had lots of fun role playing on their bridges.

Grassy games

This morning we went out to the grassy area behind the nursery to play some ball games. These games are designed to encourage colour recognition, sorting and team work.
We started by playing a game of beans to warm up our bodies. In this game the children have to act out the name of the bean e.g. runner beans= running on the spot. We particularly enjoyed pretending to be French beans and calling out “Oooh la la” 🇫🇷😄

After our warm up, we played a game of pirate’s treasure where we pretend the coloured balls are gems and we have to take them from treasure island and put them in to the corresponding coloured treasure chest.

Then we played a colours game where the children run around and, when I shout a colour, they have to pick up the coloured ball as fast as they can.

After this we went completely off script as the children decided they would like to make up their own games. Here are the games we have now added to our repertoire;

Ball tig – the children run around holding the ball and when the chaser tigs you, you have to drop your ball and can’t move until a friend returns the ball to your hand.

Freeze and go- holding up the green ball means you can run around, holding up the blue ball means you have to freeze

Throw and go- holding up the green ball means you can run around and holding up the pink ball means you have to pick up a ball and throw it up to the sky.

A great fun morning with brilliant team work and creativity from the children. Well done guys!