Tag Archives: Colours

Colours walk

Today we have been learning about our senses and specifically talking about our sense of sight. We decided to go for a walk round the local area to discover what colours we could see. We started by creating a colours board we could take with us and made sure we could name each colour.

As soon as we left the nursery we noticed the green grass and there was a yellow buttercup too. Then we saw the yellow gate and the purple climbing frame at the park.

Continuing on our walk we noticed all the beautiful colours of the flowers.

“I see yellow flowers, they’re like sunflowers.”
“I can see purple! And there’s red inside them !”
“There’s lots of flowers in this garden! Look, different coloured tubs!”

But…. the best thing we noticed today was the big blue sky and the yellow sun ☀️


It’s as easy as ABC!

Today in nursery we had lots of fun making our own little letter hunt to develop our letter recognition. We created a little sensory bucket for our letters to hide in, and made it really colourful and sparkly!
Some children loved seeing all the different colours and shapes too.

Some children found different letters they recognised, They could relate the letters to different familiar words.
“That’s an M for mummy. And me!”

Other children loved finding all the letters in their names..

We had lots of fun exploring our fine motor skills too, using our hands as well as the tongs to develop our pincer grip and strengthen our little muscles to collect different letters and little sequins. The children loved helping each other find things and it spurred on lots of social conversations with each other.

“That’s an M. That’s in my mummy’s name too! What does your mummy’s name start with?”

“If you turn the M upside down it’s a W!”

”The O is like a little cats eye”

Well done everyone!

This type of learning experience would be perfect to try at home, and you’ll probably have everything you need in your cupboard. You could use sand, rice, lentils, crumpled or shredded paper for example. You may even try hiding numbers, hiding shapes, or even make your own shapes with different sensory resources! Good luck 😁🤩

Having a splashing time in the Studio

We had a special donation of some huge cardboard to our Studio Room. Our children enjoy using cardboard for lots of creative creations in our Junk model area. But today we had a idea of something else we could use the large cardboard for.

Splash painting.
There was different bottles, syringes, droppers and different colours of paints. It was very exciting picking which one we were going to use.

Because it was such a big piece of cardboard we could even sit in the middle to create our art work.






We mixed a little bit of paint and water to help our paint splat, spray, drop and squeeze.

We are very independent in our Studio Room and can pick and put on our own paint aprons when we want to paint or get messy.

We loved how far we could squeeze and spray the paint that was inside the syringe.

Good job our cardboard was so big.

It was interesting watching all the colour mix together to see what different colours we created.

We were learning different techniques of making art by using our spay bottles, droppers and syringes to mark make in creative ways.

We think it looks really nice. We all worked really hard together creating our large scale art.
We really did have a splashing time.

Grassy games

This morning we went out to the grassy area behind the nursery to play some ball games. These games are designed to encourage colour recognition, sorting and team work.
We started by playing a game of beans to warm up our bodies. In this game the children have to act out the name of the bean e.g. runner beans= running on the spot. We particularly enjoyed pretending to be French beans and calling out “Oooh la la” 🇫🇷😄

After our warm up, we played a game of pirate’s treasure where we pretend the coloured balls are gems and we have to take them from treasure island and put them in to the corresponding coloured treasure chest.

Then we played a colours game where the children run around and, when I shout a colour, they have to pick up the coloured ball as fast as they can.

After this we went completely off script as the children decided they would like to make up their own games. Here are the games we have now added to our repertoire;

Ball tig – the children run around holding the ball and when the chaser tigs you, you have to drop your ball and can’t move until a friend returns the ball to your hand.

Freeze and go- holding up the green ball means you can run around, holding up the blue ball means you have to freeze

Throw and go- holding up the green ball means you can run around and holding up the pink ball means you have to pick up a ball and throw it up to the sky.

A great fun morning with brilliant team work and creativity from the children. Well done guys!

Water mixtures!

Today in the garden the children had great fun at the water area! They used the hose to fill up bottles and jugs! They each added a different colour of food colouring to their water using pipettes to see what happened! This helps to develop their fine motor skills.

“The water is all blue!”

”My water has all orange swirls!”

The children thought it would be fun to mix colours together! They added the blue food colouring to the orange water!
”Its turned green!!!”

The blue food colouring was added to the red! “It’s made purple!!!”

The children then just had fun pouring all the  different coloured water into different jugs and tubs and finding out what colours they could make!
“They all make brown!!”

What amazing colour mixing and colour recognition!