Thursday is for muddy movers fun šŸ˜

Today the children helped to create and set up two separate obstacle courses Ā suitable for the different ages and stages of the children at Cart Mill. The obstacle courses that we set up in the garden are an excellent way for our children to develop their gross motor skills.

The children carried out their own risk assessment to make sure that the loose parts were used safely. We used questions such as is it to high to climb,Ā  Will I slip? How can we set up the wooden planks so they are safe to balance on?Ā  Take a look at the fantastic creation we made!

Using the loose parts provided the children decided that they would have two different sized jumps at the end of their obstacle course. A high jump using 3 boxes and a smaller jump using 2.Ā  Our children our developing so much confidence and showing progression all the time.

Some of our younger waned to explore the larger course and were able to ask for help when they required.Ā  The adults were able to support and encourage them as they moved across the wooden planks is different ways.Ā  Some were crawling, walking and sliding along.Ā  They demonstrated they could as they jumped from the boxes holding an adults hand.

Article 28 (right to education)

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