Holiday Tales and Shells

The children have been returning to nursery after their holidays with lovely stories to tell us. Some of the children have also brought us shells which we have used for some creative crafts.

One of the children decided to make her own beach for her shells. First, she cut the wood and then separated her beach area, making one for water and another for sand and shells.

She then told us that she had been at the beach and had gone swimming in the water. Great story telling and creativity!

We have also been making our own shell and beach pictures including a lovely mermaid.

Whilst this activity is great fun, the children are also developing their fine motor skills , creativity and imagination as well as developing language and social skills when taking turns and discussing their pictures.

Today we used the shells to make a wind chime adding some beads to make different sounds.

We searched for shells that had holes in them or we made holes in them carefully using a nail and hammer, we had to be very careful to tap gently so that the shells did not break or crack.

We then threaded them onto the string, which was a bit tricky, before adding the beads. We now have a beautiful wind chime hanging in our garden. If you are walking past, why don’t you listen out for it on a breezy day.

Thank you for your summer themed donations and all your holiday stories, please keep them coming.

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