A peek at what’s been happening in our Cart Mill garden this week 😍

Whilst helping to water the plants in the greenhouse the children noticed that some of the plants were getting tall.  We decided to repot the peas and the sunflowers and put them outside.

“ I’m helping the peas to grow by watering them”

“ I don’t want the peas to fall down with the wind so I’m tying a cane onto the pea plant, but I might need some help to tie a knot”

The children noticed that the sunflowers were all different heights and  asked to measure them. “That one’s really tall it’s bigger than all the rest”

“That’s two number 4s 44 “

After a few days our pea plants had some nasty looking holes in their leaves the children quickly realised that slugs were the culprit. They researched human slug traps online and found out that slugs love citrus fruit so we promptly cut some orange up and arranged them around the peas.

The children seen that the spring onions had also grown and looked ready to pull out. The salad leaves in the greenhouse were around the same stage and looked ready to sample to. The children thought they could make a nice salad with the leaves spring onion and we could add some parsley from our herb garden.  We set about making our salad cutting chopping washing and we even managed to make a little dressing using orange juice a squeeze of lemon and lime.

“ It’s really hard to pull the spring onions out”

” I don’t think these leaves will taste nice” “ they smell yucky”

“ I like the taste of the parsley and the onions but not the lettuce “ The lettuce was the least popular ingredient of our salad. We can’t wait to try our peppers and tomatoes when they are ripe. Do you grow any fruit and vegetables in your garden? Do you have any suggestions to what other tasty things  we could grow in our garden? probably not salad 😂

Article 28 Every child has the right to an education