We’re Going To School!

Over the last few weeks our pre school children have been engaging in a transition programme alongside ‘David the Duck’ to support them in their transition to school.
We began by meeting David and introducing ourselves.

We discussed what we thought we might be going to learn at school.

We used emojis to share how we are feeling about going to school, we decided we are happy, excited and maybe a little nervous!

David showed us his school uniform and we talked about the different schools we are going to and what our uniforms might look like. We drew pictures of what we would like our uniform to look like.

David showed us his school bag and we talked about the things we would put inside our own school bags.

”We might need snack and lunch in case we get hungry.”

”We might need our wellies like at nursery.”

We also explored David’s pencil case and enjoyed looking at the different things inside.

We talked about how we could make new friends at nursery by asking questions about them. We played a game called ‘Getting To Know You’ where we rolled the ball to each other and shared information about ourselves.

”My favourite food is pizza”

”If I was an animal I’d like to be a jaguar.”

We wrote postcards to our teachers to help them get to know us a little better.

Finally we shared some of our favourite memories of our time at Cart Mill and hung them on our memory tree.

Good luck in your new adventures at school boys and girls!

Article 13 I have the right to find out things and share what I think with others, by talking, drawing and writing.