Melting snowballs

Within the science area we have been discussing the properties of materials, particularly learning about the difference between solids and liquids.

While playing with ice the other day we started discussing the properties of snow, hailstones and rain. We decided to make our own snowballs and experiment with various ways of melting them.  We created our snowballs by making gloop and then freezing it inside plastic baubles.

When we took them out of the freezer, they were so cold and frozen we couldn’t even open them and had to put them in the bowl of hot water to start the melting process.

Once we got the snowballs on to the trays the children experimented with dripping hot water on top of them. One of the children realised that if he made a hole and put water inside the hole it speeded up the process. His friend decided to make the holes and he could squeeze the water in. Great team work! The other children realised they could use the tools to help chip away at the snowballs.

Throughout this experience we discussed how the freezing and melting process changes water from a solid to a liquid and back again. After they were all melted we had a great time playing with the gloop and getting messy!

Independence at snack 🍊 🍌 🥒

This week the children have been developing their independence skills in the home room, which they demonstrate well while preparing snack for their peers. The children show a good understanding of how we can be safe as we prepare snack in many ways. For example, what should we do before we even begin preparing snack, and why is it important?

“we have to wash our hands 🙌

“We have to wash them so we don’t get sticky germs on the fruit”

The children suggested we make some wall displays to show their friends where to wash their hands, since we have some new children who are still learning the snack routine.

“Nice and bright so everybody can see it! Now all the little boys and girls will wash their hands here”

Whilst preparing the snack, we talked about how important safety is when handling the snack tools.

“You go backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards nice and carefully. You don’t want to cut yourself”

“You only do it when an adult helps you”

“Sometimes I need help with the cucumber because it’s a little bit too tricky”

Next we talked about how we can continue to practice good hygiene when serving the snack…

“The tweezers stops the germs 🦠


Once the children have finished their snack, it’s time to finish up by clearing away all our dishes 🥣🥛

They even suggested designing a separate sign for the dishes, to visualise where everything goes.

The children in the nursery are great at independently following the snack routine, and have been super helpful towards their new peers who are still learning and working as a team to support them.

Well done everybody! Great work 👏