Welcome to our story corner 🧾 📚

We have been very busy in the home room today, setting up a cosy book corner. The children started off by choosing their favourite stories from our library cupboard, selecting a variety of books that sparked their imagination.

“The scary shark looks like this.”

”I have this one at home, it’s my favourite.”

We then got started on choosing puppets for our story corner.

”Let’s have incy wincy”

”I like this one, it has little red riding hood and the wolf”

We sang some of the children’s favourite nursery rhymes and then choose our rhyme of the week, which was wind the bobbin up đŸ§”.

”Wind the bobbin up is my favourite”

”I like when we sing it really fast”

We then had lots of fun reading stories, singing and playing with the puppets in our new area. Well done to the children for helping set it up, great job!