No Such Thing As Nessie!!!

Today Bookbug came to visit as it is Scottish Book week and we decided to  sing some songs…

We started with Ally Bally Bee, we were singing and clapping much to our neighbours delight

We sang Wee Willie Winkie and were laughing to think of a wee boy chapping at the windaes and crying through the locks in his nightgown!!!

A decision to be made what story would we like Skye the Puffling or No Such Thing as Nessie…..the story of Nessie won and we had lots of discussions  about monsters scaffolding our  learning from each other by sharing all the interesting facts we knew.

Can you believe we even sang about shoving our grannies aff the bus……but please nobody worry as all our children assured me they would never do this! 😉


What a lot of fun we had enjoying stories and songs together 😀

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