Walks with Blue

Blue came in for a visit today, we were so pleased to see her.  She was eager to go for a walk and the children were keen to walk her! We looked out of the window to check the weather and decided it would be best to wear our wellies and puddle suits.

We all headed off down a muddy hill. We had to practice patience,  turn taking and being responsible when holding on to Blues lead.

We had great fun splashing through lots of puddles before going through the kissing gate one at a time.

It was so cold this morning that one of the puddles had a thin covering of ice which was fun to break and cold to touch.
“it’s like the North Pole “

the children noticed the sound of the “noisy” river “ it’s because there is much water”.

As we walked on, we noticed mounds of soil. After close inspection it was decided that they were mole hills. “Look this one looks like a baby one, it’s so cute”.

Walking Blue is so much fun, but splashing though puddles is the best!