What a beautiful day it is
After discussions last week on how to keep cool in the sun, the children decided they wanted to open their own ice cream parlour.
we used:
- Shaving foam
- Food Colouring
- Chocolate powder
- Sprinkles
The children used different sized spoons and bowls to mix the foam and chocolate power to make chocolate ice cream. They then mixed red food colouring to make strawberry ice cream.
“We need to add more chocolate powder, I cant smell it properly”
“I’m going to have a pink cone”
”I’m scooping the ice cream, it’s very slippy”
” I made a unicorn Ice cream, it’s gooey”
We made our ice cream cones in the shade while we had a break from the sun.
The children used their senses to smell and touch the foam with their hands.
They used their counting skills to count how many scoops of ice cream it took to fill the cone.