Tag Archives: splat painting


Today we have enjoyed using our gross motor skills to explore how far we can make paint travel. We filled bowls with paint and whisked it up with a little bit of water. Then we had a brilliant, if a little messy, time bouncing balls into the paint and watching how far it spread.

We needed to step back when we made a huge splash!

β€œIt went off the paper!”

We discovered that the heavier the ball and the harder you throw it, the bigger the splash. This lead to some of the boys taking a run up before throwing to get more force. Great thinking!

All this splashing created some beautiful pictures, well done boys and girls!

One of the children even decided to experiment with using the whisk to splat the paint rather than the balls. It made a lovely pattern on the paper, β€œlike rain.”

Next week we will continue to experiment with more ways to combine using our gross motor skills with our creative skills.