Tag Archives: mark making

Christmas Writing

Today in the home room the children have been developing their mark making and early writing skills by selecting their own materials to write with.

The children have been so excited about Christmas and asked to write some Christmas words, which they were able to copy carefully.


We drew some pictures of the words we had written. We then decided to draw some beautiful glittery rainbows to take home.

We were so good at taking turns and sharing resources with our friends.




Creative Toddlers

Today some of the toddlers got creative mark making, selecting their own paint colours and using large brushes and rollers, developing fine motor skills and muscle dexterity they even made their own natural brushes from recycled flowers.  They painted over different textures  eg Anaglypta , tinfoil, cling film, lining paper and  canvas promoting language development  about how the different materials felt. “That paper is rough” “the shiny is cold and smooth”The toddlers talked about the colours they were using and mixing. “ It’s yellow”  “ I like the blue paint best” “I’m making purple” They enjoyed using the roller and big brushes. “I want the biggest brush” “the roller is fun” The toddlers did great turn taking whilst sharing the resources.  The end result was a beautiful piece of colourful art. Well done toddlers!