Tag Archives: #Building #Challange # Problem Solving #Team Work

The floor is lava

Today the children played  “The floor is lava” but with a twist…

They worked together to collect different materials including:

  • Paper/card
  • lollipop sticks
  • twigs
  • Small figures
  • building blocks
  • Cars
  • Bowls

They then used the materials to design and build a stable structure together that was suitable to save the little figures and cars from the lava without it falling over.

“It needs to be up high, what can we use?”

”we can use the blocks to get it high”

The children came up with a variety of ways to save the cars and people from the lava while developing their listening and teamwork skills.

They used their problem solving skills to organise the different shaped blocks by size so that the figure didn’t fall over.

”The big ones need to go to the bottom because they will fall if they are at the top, they won’t balance”

“The bowl can go under in case he falls”

The children had so much fun making a safe structure for the cars and people using materials around the nursery. Why don’t you try creating your own at home.

Fun with shapes

Today in the garden we had great fun identifying and creating shapes to celebrate Maths Week Scotland.

The children collected various loose parts such as blocks, large and small planks, tyres and crates and used them to explore the properties of different 2D shapes.

We then worked brilliantly as a team putting our knowledge into practice as we made our very own large shapes!

“Our square has 4 corners! “

”A triangle has 3 sides!”

Can you be shape detectives and find any 2D shapes around your house?