Mini Master Chefs Soup Edition 👨‍🍳 👩‍🍳

Following on from our Mini Master Chef classes, the children have been making their own healthy soup for snack using the soup maker that Beth gifted to us.

We have been continuing to develop the different skills and techniques learned to cut and peel vegetables as well as learning new words to add to our expanding vocabulary and how to keep safe while in the kitchen.

 “I’m using the claw shape to cut the carrots”

“We need to cut the potatoes in to small cubes, it’s called dice”

They put all the vegetables into the soup maker before adding the stock and of course having a little taste of some carrot.

“ The stock adds flavour”

“Will we make  ‘Smooth’ or ‘Chunky’ soup?”


We have changed the recipe slightly each time we have made soup to let the children taste a variety of different flavours, they explore the different vegetables using their senses.

“It’s very heavy and bumpy”

“Ewww the onion stinks”

“ The carrot looks like a snowman’s nose”

“This soup is Delicious”

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