Today we were talking about Pancake Tuesday and decided we could make our own pancakes with the playdough. We got our bowls and measured each ingredient and used our gross motor skills to stir all the ingredients together. We added some vanilla essence to make them smell yummy too.
“My mum makes pancakes”
“ I have pancakes in my house”
We then began creating our own pancakes using the rolling pins and cutters of our choice.
“ mine is going to be round”
”I am using the circle one”
When we were ready we popped them into the frying pan some of the children like using the cooker to bake them. The children then flipped their pancakes . While we didt this we sang pop a little pancake into the pan.
We then used a variety of resources sequins, pom poms to decorate our pancakes pretending they were various toppings.
Look at our delicious pancakes.