Experimenting – sinking & floating đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”

Today we decided to problem solve and discover the objects that sunk and floated in the nursery

We all worked together to fill a box with water, when children are  involved they are much more engaged!

The children wrote the words float and sink so we could record our results.

We searched the playrooms for items to use

we had lots of different ideas!

We recorded our results to share with others

Look at all the different loose parts we investigated in our box!!!

The children had a great time exploring and investigating different objects to experiment with 
you could try this at home,  learning through fun!

Article 28 Every child has the right to an education.

Spiced apple cake for snack🍎

The children at Cart Mill love to bake. For our afternoon snack we have been introducing some homemade baking.

Today we have been busy making some spiced apple cake. Baking helps to develop the children independence skills. The children are able to following instructions, carrying out small tasks independently.

First we chopped our apple into small pieces. Our children know how to keep ourself safe while using the knifes.

“We need to sit on the chair”

“We are need to be careful, we don’t  want to chop our fingers”

Chopping the apple not only promotes independence but help develop fine motor skills and co ordination.

Next we use the measuring spoons to measure out the ingredients helping develop our numeracy skills.

1..2 scoops of flour

1 scoop of sugar


Once we added all our ingredients and gave it a big stir. It was hard work, we had to use lots of muscles.

“It’s all sticky”

”It’s going to taste yummy”

Here are all our children enjoy sharing the snack with their friends.


Article 27 – You have the right to food, clothing a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met.