Pattern playdough with Textures

Today at the malleable table we had a discussion what we would like to have out. We decided we would like to make playdough and explore a variety of patterns  and textures.

The children then independently followed our new recipe book that they created last week. The children  confidently added each ingredient showing confidence in their measuring and counting skills. They then used  their gross motor skills to mix all he ingredients and then kneaded their playdough until the texture was soft and smooth.

The children then collected a few resources that they thought would  make good patters and textures.  We  then explored patterns and textures . They spoke to each other discussing their findings and describing heir textures and patterns.

rolling pin -“this one is bumpy”

shells- “my playdough looks like a shell”

”my shell is jaggy”

My pine cone is in the playdough and it’s making it all bumpy & bit jaggy”

”my hand”